Schools finaly done! blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh
It was a crazy day!Seriously,obligated to do sports.
We went playing hockey,sort of and i like triped on a guy... sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop
then,dodgeball,we lost because the other team was like always at the end,never close to the line... xp xp xp
Then soccer,some guys from my class was like playing,in our team... rolleyes and keep's on passing the ball to themself,so we,girls biggrin ,stole the ball from the guys and made a goal whee whee whee I'm the one who did the goal!!!!!
Then need to go back at school(we were at the parc)and they were some lousy activitys...BORING!!!! scream scream scream stare stare
Then lunch time...when were done eating we sorta like had a water fight with the,it was fun,but the other guy splashed me with so much water that i trowed him orange crush,my friend too. sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop
I took some pictures and all that,it was hard trying to take pictures,but at the end they finaly exepted,the other guy asked me out...o_O and i refused,and he sort of like ran after me none stop,saying to go out with him...he finaly gived up,so i went back with my friends,then they started showing me the pictures they taken of me running away from my friends...o_O
What a day!Boring,yet fun! sweatdrop blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh
but 2 of my friends are like,moving,one of them at USA and the other still close by but changing school,somewhere close to chateauguy... emo
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