For those who don't know me my name is Anelle. Kito my best friend calls me Kachi. You can call me either. I really don't mind at all. Gimme a name and I'll answer to it! ^_^
People always say I am short and vertically challenged. I am average! I am 5'2". I swear........
I lost a lot of weight so far! I used to weigh 188 lbs. Now after dieting and somewhat of exercise I weigh 153 lbs. Is 30 lbs. good?
In real life I have short choppy brown hair with natural highlights from too much chlorine and sunlight. (swimming freak)
My eyes are a bit different. They are brown but people say they are yellowish near the pupil. IDK. Ask my friends and family!
I like to do a lot of things on my labtop but that's not the only thing I do. I like to rollerblade, swim, and rough it up with the guys. I draw anime (badly) and play mulitple instruments.
My philosophy of life is to see people from the inside and try to make the world a happier place. Simply rules of my philosophy:
1. Always smile! A smile to you may mean a happiness to another. 2. Let out emotions. For you people who keep it in write a journal or talk to a friend. 3.Be honest and open and things will go smoothly. I am honest (except to my evil dad) and nothing bad has happen to me. I am very open about things and will talk about it.....unless I am shy then I will write it down. ^.^;;; 4.When you are at rock bottom there is nowhere to go but up. (Yes I heard it from a movie!) 5. Lastly I believe that humans need to take care of the earth or we will destroy ourselves.
Here is a picture of me doing a peace sign. The room is kinda dark.....
 I tried to lighten the color in photoshop but then it made the picture look weird.
Zabethlyburn · Tue May 29, 2007 @ 03:01am · 1 Comments |