#1 Dream Avi:

Total Value: 2,289,851 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lilac Buckle Trench Hat
Neo Tube Top
Copper Penny Pinstripe Vest
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Neo Gloves
Neo Punk Sock
Charred Tundra Boots
Shadow Spirit
Lunar Scythe
Nitemare Scarf
This dream avi is the one I'm mainly aiming at. Currently, I'm questing for a nitemare scarf >_< gah! AAAAHH!!! I forgot the Emo Glasses!!!
#2 Dream Avi:

Total Value: 386,902 Gold, 55,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Striped Stockings
Ash Hot Top
Demonic Anklets
Demonic Anklets
Emo Bag
Emo Glasses
Joker Hat red-black
Hot Basic Skirt
Red Tie
Red Wine Pimpin' Platforms
What?! 55,000 tickets!!! You blowin' my mind!!!! Huh? Oh *ahem* Hehe. I really like this dream avi. It looks cool cool totally dude. And...it's cheaper than the first one! ^-^
#3 Dream Avi:

Total Value: 23,457,532 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
#FFFFFF Complex Band
Cool Basic Skirt
White Ruffled Top
Felicia's Beautiful Shoes
Platinum Gray Pinstripe Vest
Winter Rose
Lunar Scythe
Angelic Scarf
Mini Angel Wings
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Celebrity Date
Angelic Pendant (Glow)
Guitar of Angellus
I will NEVER EVER EVER get this dream avi. I was bored, and decided to go to tektek and just do any random dream avi. I call her Isabelle. Her evil twin is #4 twisted
#4 Dream Avi
Uhm...tektek won't save this dream avi >_< *mutters* stupid tektek. So, you guys will just have to wait ^-^ I'll update as soon as tektek will save my dream avi.