Welcome to Gaia! :: What is Gaia Standard Time (GST)?

What is Gaia Standard Time? Time Comparison

In the world of Gaia, time moves fast. Gaia Standard Time (GST) makes it easy for all users worldwide to experience night and day on Gaia. There are always things happening in Gaia. Some things may happen during the day, and some during the night. You never know what you may find at the right time!

The Gaia Standard Time Is Now:

Your Approximate Local Time should be:

Your Local Time (GMT) Gaia Standard Time (GST)
12:00am 10:16am
01:00am 08:33pm
02:00am 06:51am
03:00am 05:08pm
04:00am 03:25am
05:00am 01:42pm
06:00am 12:00am
07:00am 10:16am
08:00am 08:33pm
09:00am 06:51am
10:00am 05:08pm
11:00am 03:25am
12:00pm 01:42pm
01:00pm 12:00am
02:00pm 10:16am
03:00pm 08:33pm
04:00pm 06:51am
05:00pm 05:08pm
06:00pm 03:25am
07:00pm 01:42pm
08:00pm 12:00am
09:00pm 10:16am
10:00pm 08:33pm
11:00pm 06:51am
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