• We used to be so connected,both us two.
    It was a bond that couldn't be compared,
    as with anyone else we knew.
    We had our good times and our bad.
    We worked it out together,
    either glad or mad.
    I miss those days,
    I have to say.
    I've tried so hard to make them stay.
    But, I've also watched you change.
    You aren't the same.
    I miss the old you, when you didn't put me through pain.
    I pretend to be happy
    and keep moving on.
    But I'm done with this s**t.
    Now that I've realized that the old days are gone.
    You're rude and don't give a damn about anyone but yourself.
    Wake the ******** up and realize this isn't your world.
    You walk over everyone, like you own the place.
    You think your life sucks, you haven't been through s**t.
    I know life isn't easy and it sucks sometimes.
    We all have to deal with it, not just you.
    If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here.
    If you need a place to crash, I'm here.
    If you need a hug, I'm here.
    If you need a TRUE friend, I'm here.
    Maybe you should think about doing the same for your friends.
    Take time to realize who your REAL friends are...
    Not the ones that say crap about your mom on the first day they come to your house,get mad at you for stupid reasons,walk all over you,think that they are better,get jealous over you,make you feel like a monster,hurt their boyfriends,say crap about you,lie to you,do something they promised they wouldn't do, act like they are the s**t all the time,steal food from others lunches,hypocrites, are rude to your family, causing you to hurt yourself, causing you to cry,dont support what you do, and to sum it all up...Not the ones who would never do the same for you that you would do for them.
    Though, I haven't given up on you.
    I never will.
    I'm just saying that until you decide to rethink how you treat everyone else,
    I'm done with you being the way you are now.
    I will always be your friend and keep moving on.
    Be the friend, I know you are.
    In the end, the ones who dont matter, mind who you really are and want you do be something you're not. The ones who matter, dont mind who you really are.
    I'm not mad at you, I'm just done with your bulls**t.