• the world is gone
    and i am left
    alone and dark
    breathless, bereft

    the stars that lit
    the evening sky
    have followed love
    their cause to die

    the sun that loved
    my ev'ry day
    grew cold to me
    wandered away

    the stanzos here-
    call you'em this?-
    are 'live, not dead
    my only wish

    i lose a skin
    i'm flying free
    i lose control
    the blood is key

    i lost my love
    i'll lose my mind
    the protester
    will cross the line

    the holiday
    is s'posed to find
    my happy place
    my peace of mind

    instead it brings
    morbid excess
    a razor cut
    a blood success

    the thoughts too strong
    the wounds too deep
    for love to heal
    or peace to keep

    the water cleans
    my fears away?
    no luck. my health?
    not long to stay

    the blood will fade?
    it will not leave
    the scars are veiled
    behind a sleeve

    the world is gone
    i lost the spark
    what lingers here
    is just the dark

    my friends, the stars
    my love, the sun
    abandoned me
    left me to run

    the fear, the pain,
    without my loves
    there's no defense

    i hide for now
    behind blue eyes
    these words of mine
    are my surprise

    for those who left
    when i was lost
    it's your turn now
    to bear my cross

    live with your sins.