• I gave all my love to you
    Gave you my heart and promises I planned to keep
    You told me you loved me
    Even when I wasn't ready to say it back
    You healed my broken heart
    When it refused to love again
    You gave me happiness
    When I was filled with sorrow and anger
    I will always be thankful for the things you gave me
    The words of love and promises of always being there for me
    You will always be engraved in my heart until the day I pass from this earth
    I will never regret you even if sometimes I may want to
    You filled my heart with happiness and love
    You listened to me when I had something to say
    We laughed and talked all night long
    Even though you broke my heart
    I forgive you
    Even though your words were empty and your promises broken
    I forgive you
    Even though you may not love me anymore as a soulmate
    I will never regret you
    I will never hate you
    I will never resent you
    I will never stop talking to you and cheering you up when your down
    I will never stop listening to you when you have something to say
    I will however always love you
    Until the end of time
    That I promise