heart heart
heart heart
heart heart
4laugh heart 4laugh
4laugh heart 4laugh
4laugh heart 4laugh
redface wink : redface
redface wink redface
redface wink redface
- Title: Im you and Your me!!!!
- Artist: desypoo11
I feel lke i supposed to be next to you!!!!!
Every breath you take i hear it!!!!!
From a baby til' you are an ederly!!!!!
I supposed to be your spirit!!!!!
When your heart pumps i feel it!!!!!
When you cry i cry!!!!!
But when i do the opposite!!!!!
You tell the truth!!!!!
I tell a lie!!!!!
Im inside of you!!!!!
Your conscience you see!!!!!
Well all i wanna say is!!!!!
I'll be there for you and you be there for me!!!!! - Date: 03/14/2011
- Tags: illbethere myspiritisyours imyou yourspiritismine
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Comments (1 Comments)
- TrulyTwistedTeen - 03/29/2011
I like it! Check mine out! XD
http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/poetry-and-lyrics/vote/?entry_id=102500927#title - Report As Spam