• A child is born,
    Of both Night and the Light,
    Shunned by the Night,
    Hated by the Light.

    Too cruel to be of the Day,
    Too merciful to be of the Night,
    She walks her own road,
    Lonely Twilight.

    Like a blade she is,
    Beautiful and deadly.
    She could have been used,
    For Light or for Night.

    Not always alone,
    Her companion of Light,
    But he was not taken,
    By the Night.

    She once was protected,
    She once was loved,
    But the Light felt threatened,
    By the strength she had.

    They tried to destroy her,
    They tried to contain her,
    But she broke free,
    And turned to the Night.

    Soon into the Night,
    She realized,
    Her companion would not want,
    The world destroyed.

    She left the Night,
    But mistrusted the Light.
    So now she walks,
    Alone she walks,
    Forever mourning,
    Along her road of Twilight.