• I made this while I was with my girlfriend, who I would do anything for.

    Follow me to the end of existence, it will embrace us with open arms.
    There is nothing to fear from it, for it will cause us no harm.
    Are you scared, my precious one? We will be there together.
    It will just be our souls, floating forever.


    This came to mind after my girl broke up with me today; Saturday, August 14, 2010.

    I may be hurt, but I won't be broken.
    I gave you my heart, as an eternal token.
    But what has came to me in doing so,
    You still left, and wanted to go.

    I care for you, yes, and I always will,
    What i'de do for you, is more than a kill.
    Maybe I was wrong, it wasn't meant to be,
    And with it ending as that way, now I was I see.


    Its a little past 4 A.M. Sunday, August 15, 2010, when i'm writing this. I don't feel this as one of my betters. But whatever. I can't sleep. This came to my mind though still from my now ex-girlfriend. I still have feeling for you Jessica...

    My sanity escapes me,
    My thoughts are not clear.
    My mind starts on closing,
    But...Why do I fear?

    I am not alone,
    I know this well;
    Nor am I burning,
    or writhing in Hell.

    Feelings are hurt,
    and emotions can show;
    They're both like a river,
    Where only blood flows.

    I guess that how things,
    Are the way that they are,
    Were supposed to happen,
    And just leave a scar.


    I'm still trying to get over her. Its hard to do. I'm looking for any solution I can to ignore the thought of her...Does anyone have any ideas? Please tell me. Sunday, August 15, 2010

    You said i'm the best, And you wanted it to last.
    I guess you turned back on your word.

    I say your amazing, And my love has not passed.
    I stand my ground and don't lie.

    You say you don't feel a connection, And you said you would fight for me.
    But I guess I was too boring for you.

    I said i'de give you my life, And i'de do anything for us to be.
    I won't turn back and slander you.
    If you knew how I really felt, Maybe you'de change your mind.
    I guess that it'de be too much though.

    But now that its over, and theres nothing anymore,
    I guess that what held us together,
    Was the binding that wasn't to be.


    I'm feeling great, much much better than before. First happy poem in a while. This feelings gonna stick! Monday, August 16, 2010

    I'm feeling much better,
    Much more than you'll know,
    I feel so great, this can't be real.
    I've moved on,
    And its easy to show,
    You'll never know how much better I feel.

    Yes, I still have feeling for you,
    that will never change,
    But no longer am I sad.
    You were my true love,
    It didn't seem strange,
    Our time together had made me glad.

    Now things are straightened out,
    And I no longer am down,
    I look to the future and forget the past.
    Its an amazing feeling,
    Staying alive from a drown,
    But everything is better, and possibilities are vast!


    This came out of inspiration from a close friend. August 31, 2010

    The only thing ever worth fighting for, is something you’d honestly risk your life over, knowing you may never come back.
    Just because you say something is worth dieing over, it doesn’t mean you’ll actually tell the truth.
    Someone you love, a family member, a close friend…these are worth fighting for, for they are the greatest of gifts bestowed upon us.
    Never let your sight veer away from the truth, always keep a focused mind and stay absolute. Don’t be a fool.


    My most recent ex (Jessica) and I got back together after about 2 months of speration. We've been together for maybe 2 weeks now, saying we both still cared for eachother, still had feeling, and wanted to get back. Well, unfortunately, I think she still cares for the guy she dated before me the first time...in not loves him...

    After 3 months, it fell to an end.
    We were upset, and weren't even friends.
    2 months apart seemed like forever,
    But I never lost hope...Not ever.

    We got back with eachother, thinking it right,
    And we seemed to do fine, not one single blight.
    But you still care for him, despite out time,
    We seemed to be just like the perfect ryhme.

    3 months of love, 2 months of loss,
    and now 2 weeks, of what may be tossed.
    I thought you were happy, but i'm not sure if your not,
    But always will I fight for you, keep that in thought.
    I guess we'll just see what may come of this,
    Might it be good, or maybe amiss.