• My life's a sad song,and I'm sick and
    damn Tired of it,repeating it's slef,
    I am nothing but my life,
    Which is nothing in it's slef,
    therefore I would gladly let you take it,
    but you don't want nothing to do with me,
    tears fall down from my eyes,
    though I know not why,
    I take off my glasses,
    to clearly see,but leave them off
    so I do not need to take
    in this horrid world around me,
    I continue to live on,
    but no more,
    I end it here,at this deathly hour,
    I bid the all a fare-well,
    good times for you all to come,
    and hope you all pursue a
    greater fate and destiny,
    than that of I, and me