• Many years ago,
    The two of them met.
    As she walked through a small village,
    As he followed.
    As he kept asking,
    She kept responding
    with a "No".
    But later that day,
    as if any other day,
    A man bothered her.
    And she did what she always had done.
    Throwing a punch at him,
    he threatened to kill her.
    She prepared
    Only to be lefted away and told,
    "You're too beautiful to be fighting".
    That memory stood out to her now in the present.
    She tried not to believe it.
    But the more she thought about it,
    The more it seemed possible.
    Not just possible...
    "Is my Angel alright?"
    "Why do you call me that?"
    She tried to test him.
    "Why do you call yourself a demon?"
    There was a long akward pause...
    She had this image in her mind.
    Of two people that looked like them...
    Only a very ovbious difference.
    The woman had red feathered wings.
    The man had black.
    "Because we are..."