• Another Day
    Comes with more sorrow
    And sometimes
    I just can't wait till tomorrow

    But as today ends
    Tomorrow starts
    and life lets me down once again

    Its hard to breath
    My chest is tight
    I never thought
    I'd face such a life

    Just another day
    but not another dollar
    Nothing to hope for
    Nothing but sorrow

    The Decent into hell is easy
    The Accent is hard
    Make one mistake
    And you'll come tumbling down the same road once more

    Falling into a black hole
    The sun past gone hours ago
    I'm dead but alive
    Somehow its true

    No one can help me
    They don't understand
    My life is bitter
    And my death is sweet

    I cry a singel tear
    And nothing more
    For I have nothing to weep for

    No one who loved me
    No one that cared
    No one that even knew I was there

    Another Day
    Comes with more sorrow
    So I don't think

    I'll make it to tomorrow