• you slap me
    but you leave no visible mark
    you abuse me though nobody can see
    you hurt me
    on the inside i hurt
    so badly
    I'm in so much pain
    how can nobody see
    how can they not see the pain
    cant they see me wince at your name
    cant they see the tears on my face
    cant they see I'm in pain
    why do you hurt me
    not with force
    with the hurt you thrust upon me with your words
    the pain that will never go away
    like the scars that mark me
    they'll never go away
    the pain they caused will never go away
    never will i be unmarked
    i will forever have to ware sleeves
    ashamed of what i was pushed to
    to what i resorted to
    the cuts they hurt
    but nothing will ever compare to the hurt
    you cause
    you've never hit me
    never physically marked my skin
    never made it obvious
    never showed any signs
    that you mentally sent me over the edge
    you made me feel unworthy of the air i breath
    you as good as killed me
    i will never in my life
    laugh with the same happiness
    love with all of me
    feel truly happy
    ill always have the doubt
    the doubt that i belong
    the feeling that i don't belong
    that i don't
    deserve the life I've been given