• I watch the explosions from afar.
    Not being able to be where you are.
    I wish I could help.
    I wish I could be of use.
    But you are doing fine on your own.
    The beautiful fireworks fly around us.
    and I wish I was able to just once.
    Touch the Beauty of this art.
    Your art.
    My lips turn into a smile and I whisper.
    But I'm not only talking about the art.
    I'm also talking about you.
    Your beauty goes beyond this art.
    Far far beyond.
    And then I realize that what you always say is true.
    You can never truly grasp any art.
    This is why I can never tell you my true feelings.
    This is why I cannot show you how much I wish to hold you.
    This is why I watch from afar.
    You grin as you show the critics.
    And I grin too.
    But you never notice me.
    You probably don't even remember me.
    I'm okay with that.
    We were just friends.
    Yet even when you left.
    I could not forget you.
    And so came these times.
    When I hid from afar watching the beauty of you and your art.
    And wishing that I could be a bigger part of your life.