• I'm not trying to say that I love you or anything
    'Cause you know, that would be weird and all
    With us being friends and all
    I'm just trying to say that I wanna see you again
    ...is all
    And I know I just saw you yesterday
    I'm well-aware, in fact
    But that's the whole problem
    Because when I think of you -
    Let's re-phrase that -
    When I think of the things you do
    The way your hand
    For just a moment
    For just a moment
    Rested on my thigh
    While we were playing video games at your house
    On your couch
    (You beat me, just barely
    The score was four-to-five)
    It kills me
    It's like a wound, but
    Even as it's eating me out from the inside
    I'm wanting for more
    Of the moments that make me forget that we're "just friends."
    Like the way your green eyes melt on rainy days
    And your smile only tilts up on one side
    Struck dumb
    (That's me)
    Unable to look at you
    'Cause my thoughts have all blended into
    "God, he's so sosexy."
    And I'm not saying that I'm heartbroken or anything
    'Cause I'm not
    I just wonder why you'd go and choose someone who's just like me
    Only better
    And prettier
    And nicer
    So nice that I can't even dispise her
    And I think she probably knows
    She sent me an e-mail that said
    "I'm sorry."
    I pretended not to have recieved it
    Just like I pretend around you
    To be "just friends"
    Maybe if I smile brightly enough
    These words I don't want to say will stop crawling up my throat
    I'm not trying to say that I love you or anything