everything is fake...
me,you,them,him,and her.
were all just fake.....
like the smile on my face.
the pain thats hidden,badly.
how im still alive i dont know.
my life,your life,their life,her life,his life......all those lives are fake.
the only real things are pain,hurt,sadness,and hate.
happiness,smiles,love,and pleasure......are all fake.
i fake a smile when i walk out that door to go to school.
thats the place where reality ended for me.
not because of teachers,the work,or anything materialistic,
it's because of something that was real......my love.
i had so much hope....
i lost it because of a boy.
i tried to forget,someone new came,he helped a bit,but not enough...
i believed that i would be fixed....
he fixed me up,but only to a fragile point,i was still able to be broken...
she took that and used it,she took him and used him...
that made me mad!
i despised her with all my heart.....that was left.
she left him after she showed him off,she didnt love him like i did...
i was sad,lonely,and bitter...
until i met my next pain...
he was dumb,in a good way though.
he made me smile like they never had...
im in love again but can reality ever last for me?
or will i fade into a deeper darkness?
my heart is gone,i have no soul...
imof god,he's my savior,though i have him the pain wont leave...
this is to teach me,i know...
but my everything in now all fake.
i dont have anybody to love,
the love you have in your soul is beautiful,
i might not have my soul,but i have love.
my smiles are,like everything else,fake.
i have no real qualities...
no real anything.
i walk around with that smile that burns through me,
darkness is my solitude,
it always has been.
at least since this started,
since reality became fake.
im dead inside,i have no soul or a reality to call my own...
so if you see me walking one day you'll know it's me,
because only i have the fakest smile,
the one you can see through,
the one that is fake.
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