• Souls

    I have ventured far and wide.
    I have flowed with the ocean currents,
    Flown with the Albatross,
    And raced with the eagles.
    I am free in the purest sense.
    But pure may not be the best way to describe me.

    I push the clouds together and watch them boil,
    I cast the frigid stones of ice at the creatures down below,
    Billowing oaks have fallen before my might.
    I will show Mother I am not just some tool,
    Used at the slightest whim to sing to her children of green.
    Storms are my anger,
    And monsoons are my devastation.

    My Mother we call Nature will regret the way she treats me,
    I am not just the wind,
    I am the soul of the sky and water,
    I will be heard.