• wahmbulance Azn

    xp AzN pRiDe TiLL i DiE
    nO rEaSoN tO LiE
    sO StEp aSiDe...
    uR KiCkiN iT oN Da
    Azn SiDe
    sO StEp aSiDe BeFoRe wE
    kEEp iT rEaL cUz
    aZnS WiLL ninja

    Azn Pride! blaugh

    Asian Asian
    We're the best
    Asian Asian
    We need no rest
    Asian Asain
    We're hella tight
    Asian Asian
    u mess wit us, prepare to fight
    Asian Asian
    We hab the power
    Asian Asian
    Grow every hour
    Asian Asian
    I'm ending this poem
    Asian Asian
    It's time we show' em

    COOL 3nodding

    Asian Pryde is in my mind,
    Asian blood is in my kind,
    So step aside and let me through,
    Cause its all about the Asian Krew,
    Asian love is all around,
    For my fellow Asians,
    Never let me down,
    Show your Pryde and say its true,
    Cause Asian blood flows through you.

    Bai Guys !!!!!!!! heart ninja