• to hell bound heart and soul
    the heart that is bound is the
    heart that belongs with mine
    i dont know why but
    the Hell bound gose
    with this open heart of
    mine to the dept of
    the earth I will I shall
    find a way to release
    your Hell bound heart
    even if you don't have
    emotions I still love
    you my hell bound
    soul I shall care
    for you even when
    you don't care for me
    my love is true I shall
    never betray I shall
    take the pain i shall
    take the slain my
    Hell bound heart your
    my heart my soul
    my dreams my nightmare
    my true heart my
    true love my everything
    I don't know why
    I'm writing this but
    i known its weird
    but the hell bond heart
    gose with my spirit bound
    heart weird dont you
    think I'm writing this
    and I have no Idea to
    who but Hell bound
    why is that I know
    why I'm spirit bound
    but how can you
    be hell bound when
    you done nothing wrong
    but I have did
    you take thy punishiment
    for me or was it
    cause I ran away
    from them & you took
    what was meant for
    me I"m truly sorry
    forgive me & understand
    I had hope to die for
    my wrongs but I live
    and we are sperated
    but I'll unbound
    your heart and soul
    and I'll take whats
    mine I love you I
    do thats what I
    must go & take
    what should have been
    me the chains will bind
    me as they set you free
    you can love and move
    on when I stay here &
    miss you for all enternity
    I love you with an
    enterinty & more my
    deep love my soul my
    my free soul
    go & forget me that
    what would make this
    pain baerable bye I
    love your freedom now leave
    and forget for me