• I heard the haunting sounds
    Of twinkling Ceol-Sidhe
    Walking on the shores of
    The Isle of Man
    Emerald waves lapp my feet
    The wind whispered in my ear
    "Listen Mo Chara. Can you hear the Sidhe Ga'ire?"
    The waves roared
    "can you feel the magik, Mo Chara?"
    And so stop did I
    With open ears
    Hear i did so
    The Sidhe sing,
    " 'g Cluin tu' mo ghlo'r 'ta' ag cur thuairisc.
    O' mhaidin go no'in is as sin go deireadh lae?
    E'ist a sto'r, ta' ceol as an ngaoth.
    Is casfar le che'ile sinn roimh dhul fcoidon ghrian
    Shiu'las i bhfad is do shamhail ni fhaca
    Ba mho'r e mo bhro'n is ba mhinicme' faoine'al
    E'ist, a sto'r, ta' ceol ar an ngaoth
    Is casfarle che'ile sinn roimh dhul faoi don ghrian."
    Tears fell from my lashes
    As I envisioned Tir Tairngire
    And Tir na nO'g
    The green hills of Tara lept before me
    And the bright skys of Inch shone above my head.
    I saw the King of the Sidhe
    Walk to me.
    "Come a sto'r."
    He beckoned with outstreached hand
    And promise.
    I took his hand and
    Gazed in his eyes
    As i was led to my Heaven

    ok now some of the words, as you have noticed are in ancient irish gaelic. here are the translation as promised.

    1. a sto'r= My darling, my treaure, my love
    2. Tir Tairngire- the land of promise
    3. Tir na nO'g= the land of the ever-young
    4.ceol-sidhe= fairy music
    5. sidhe Ga'ir= laughinh fairy folk
    6. sidhe= fairy folk
    the song is translated as
    " Do you hear my voice that's asking for you
    From down till noon and then to day's end?
    Listen, my love, music is on the wind
    And we will meet before the sun goes down.

    Long I walked and saw not your image,
    My sorrow was great and my sky often dark,
    Listen, my love, music is on the wind
    And we will meet before the sun goes down.