• You say life's not easy,
    You're about to give in,
    Just know that you have me,
    And never say you're not thin

    Trust me, I've been there before,
    I don't like seeing you like this,
    I can't take it anymore
    Just don't go towards
    That very last kiss

    I mean,
    I get what your trying to say,
    I feel the very same way,
    I know it's hard for you,
    Like I said,
    I feel like that, too
    Just know one thing,
    You're never alone,
    I'll be right here waiting,
    Standing by the phone

    I know how you feel,
    Like it's not even real
    Just don't let yourself go,
    It's okay to cry,
    Just don't let it show,

    It's okay to breakdown into tears,
    Just don't look in the mirrors,
    Cuz I know how you get,
    When you look at yourself for a while,
    It's even hard for you
    To put on your fake smile
    Just try your best to stay strong
    Cuz you know who I've been talking to?
    Well, it's been me all along...