• I am coming clean,
    bearing my soul for all to see.
    I love you,
    I hate you.

    You send my heart into a tizzy,
    my mind goes blank.
    You say you love me,
    and expect me to say it in return.

    I'm shell shocked,
    I can't open my mouth,
    I can't find the words.
    Inside I'm screaming.

    The first time I told you,
    "I love you", I meant it.
    But that was long ago.
    No, my feelings have not changed.

    I still love you,
    always have,
    always will.
    But I'm afraid to say it now.

    My world is crumbling beneath me,
    I want you to have no false expectations of me.
    I want you to see me as I am,

    You gave me a ring,
    you made a promise.
    The response you got,
    was one that you were not expecting.

    One that you were not hoping for.
    I'd say I'm sorry,
    but I'm not.
    There was nothing I could say.

    I can't openly express my feelings to you,
    you knew this of course..
    But sometimes I wonder,
    if you really KNOW.

    I don't want to lose you,
    but I feel I already have.
    The one thing I tried to prevent,
    happened anyways.

    This is the second time I've goofed.
    As in more than once,
    you'd honestly think I'd learn by now.

    My world is so small,
    and my life is on fast forward.
    Most times I don't feel like I fit anywhere,
    and there's no one to blame for that but me.

    I am shy,

    You said you'd be honest,
    and that with that comes the pain of knowing the truth.
    I'll beat around the bush,
    and never get to my point.

    But if you're going to be honest,
    then so will I.
    I'm afraid to say what's inside,
    but I'm not afraid any more.

    So, here I am,
    for all the world to see.
    I'm letting it all out,
    I want you to know.

    I've stripped my soul bare.