• why do i hurt people so much in a way that i hurt
    and hurt but they keep coming back tearing
    down any wall that i have made hardened
    by the drunken pasts of nights before

    and they forgive me and comfort me till i can't understand this no more
    till i can't dream and sleep without her no more
    till i can't drink and i think about her all the time
    prying through my mind trying to reach the inner "me"

    but how could you even think i am not what i say i am
    i am always who i say i am
    there "is" nothing else there "is" nobody else
    but me inside

    then what are these voices i always hear inside
    gnawing away at every fiber of my being
    till i can't take it now more
    till i let it out to a point where i hurt someone that try's to embrace me

    is this why i hurt them
    so i can let out this rage built up inside
    if this is true then why do i deserve anybody at all???