• When I thought love was enough;
    Man, was I sadly mistaken.
    Here's a letter;
    Hope you take it in;

    Dearly Beloved Hated,
    Forgive me for all I have done,
    And all I have yet to do.
    Forgive me for blaming you for my mistakes,
    And forgive me for blaming myself for yours.
    I lied when not needed,
    And I'm not now,
    And you lied to hurt me,
    This I know now.
    You claimed that you loved me,
    Claimed that you cared,
    Well here's to you,
    One critical acclaim, left to spare.
    I'm tired of your hyprocricy,
    And excusing it as dominance.
    I'm sick of your contradictory,
    Of excusing it as confusion.
    I know you're not innocent,
    I know you are fake,
    I know that took advantage of me,
    For your own sake.
    Well, I'm not playing games now,
    I'm not playing fair,
    I'm giving it all I got,
    To give you hell.
    So off you go,
    I don't give a damn,
    The sooner your gone,
    The better off I am.
    Save me your apologies,
    I don't need it,
    Save me your sympathy,
    I can go on without it.
    Love Lethally yours...