• 1. The world sits in the back of my Camaro

    2. Lights only purpose is to obscure shadow

    3. Write notes to remember on your forehead for all to see

    4. Only I know the world spins opposite

    5. The cracks in the flowerpot spell out my name

    6. Rain sings a backwards tune to children staring upward

    7. The smoke around my bosses head makes me dizzy

    8. Thoughtless babble and ignorant shouts are best served with disaster

    9. Break the bonds that hold your ears open and rest in the resounding silence

    10. Reach into the fire and grab hold of the discarded memories

    11. Hum when you pass through walls, but sing when you trip in the shadows

    12. Turning your back exposes your mind to the cold

    13. The trees bend to my will, but the grass stands defiant

    14. Never try to touch the sky with your feet on the ground

    15. Simple shapes baffle those who draw with dotted lines

    16. Let the cold embers burn with your own radiance

    17. Care for the ones that hold you far from yourself

    18. Rest for several days when you can’t find yourself

    19. Carries the life through the forest but never aims for your heart

    20. I hold the power of the ages in my cap and the sounds of my soul in my pocket

    21. Lift up your standards and shoot down your inhibitions

    22. Whistle along with your ancestors song

    23. Dance to the thoughts of the birds who can hear the trees song

    24. Fall to the ground off the laughing sidewalk

    25. Although simple, try to love the feeling

    26. Countless ants can carry the earth on their back, but one tree can hold the earth in place

    27. Fear the panic that doubts optimism

    28. Reaching into ourselves yields the memories we thought we remembered

    29. The face of ignorance defeats the face of adversity

    30. Softness grips the heart with the pleasure of meadows racked with coarse thread

    31. Death roams along the worlds spine to thwart the efforts of the of the everyday man who can’t hear its honor

    32. We can’t see what we refuse to breathe

    33. Trapped about the tapestry the figures can’t tell their secrets

    34. Pull heart strings to hear their tune, but pull to hard and the tune will wale a sound of the feeling held within

    35. Experience builds the character that others wish they could steal

    36. The top of the pedestal looks beautiful but feels cold

    37. Step down from the highs of your mind before you grow accustomed to the taste

    38. Never build with blocks of dry sand

    39. Floating above the clouds makes it hard to feel the ground

    40. Tell the truth and turn the knife a little more in your chest, tell a lie and push the dagger in your back a little bit farther

    41. Never clench your fists when you fill your hands with the future

    42. Rip apart rags that hold your fondest dreams

    43. Watch the hopeful man wallow in the joy of divine ignorance

    44. If you sigh during your walk down memory lane then you may have never wanted to return

    45. The view grows darker with the growing expectation

    46. Sit and relax with silent pessimism

    47. Where do you stand in the pools of guilt

    48. Stare at the dancing shadows and absorb the sad message

    49. If you grow accustomed to the swaying of the tree, jump off before you forget the feeling of the ground

    50. Carrying the world on your back is tough on the legs

    51. Save your thoughts for the someone willing to shoot them down

    52. Reason lies to those unwilling to play by the rules

    53. Save yourself the trouble of chopping wood by burning the ashes from the other day

    54. Choose softly, but declare with fury

    55. Memory finds its way along a broken path built from lost dreams

    56. Cradle the memories of the times you felt alone

    57. Listen to the pleasant sound your thoughts make

    58. Darkness covers the sights you try to find, light blots out the thoughts you try to recover

    59. Is a man mad if he thinks through his hands

    60. Fill your shoes with nothing, unless you’re willing to walk

    61. Thought fills your head while words fill your stomach

    62. Stare through the eyes of injustice if you wish to see the popular sanity

    63. Eat at your enemies table

    64. Console yourself with sad memories

    65. Panic comes from people sitting still

    66. There is nothing more human than to simply watch the rain

    67. Run from your fears when they sink into your compassion

    68. Try everything that seems uneventful

    69. Turn towards the changing wind

    70. Hold onto the few that try too hard, but find nothing

    71. Answer the questions that no one wanted answered

    72. Fill your life with scattered images and fill others with random ideas

    73. The ways of common folk provoke needless dangers

    74. Try to form shadows out of sunshine

    75. Why do we blindly write on the walls

    76. Overflowing ideas drown out the inspirational sounds

    77. Hate and worship intertwine if we pray blind

    78. Killing and breathing fly with the same wings

    79. If all corners were smooth we’d have no place to build our minds

    80. Ridged rules and high standards build a decaying body

    81. Hopeless dreams are as hopeless as they are long

    82. Swing a bat at a tree and hope it falls

    83. Tare a tear from your eye and spell your loves name

    84. Carrying a sandwich will only help you get to where you are going, not remembering where you have been

    85. Staring at a wall will pass the time, building a wall will make use of your time, but
    knocking it down will make your time more enjoyable

    86. Fix a nail to a cliff for someone to use later

    87. Find someone you don’t know and kick them in the back of the head, just to see what will happen

    88. Take out the lead guy if you want to serve forever

    89. Fill your hat with knowledgeable advice, but try not to leave it behind

    90. It depends on the person if you want to order a suit

    91. The ground has nothing to do with the person that stands on it but everything to do with where they plane on living

    92. Get rich on the silence of others

    93. The face of someone’s occurrence will fill the world with something worth remembering

    94. Hold close to your friends longer than you should but run once it grows to cold

    95. Your mind will boil if left alone

    96. Shinny things amuse the people with nothing better to do

    97. Feel the sound of the sun and watch the wind blow

    98. Wear the ideas of people long lost, even if they did not mean anything

    99. Fear simple things when you can’t live with complicated decorations

    100. Buy new shoes for the days that you want to go somewhere you’ve been before

    101. The places i go and the methods i use, they will never turn out well, but are endlessly fun

    102. Live with yourself

    103. View the world through many eyes

    104. Keep the image of someone you love with you always, it can always keep you warm even in the coldest times

    105. Keep your mind occupied even if you are busy