• 4/3/08

    When there was peace there was no need for warriors.
    They were discarded like old pieces of cloth, no longer suitable for cleaning or daily use.
    Killed where they stood…
    Still defending their land with their last breath.

    Promising a seed more evil than they are will come.

    Sensing each and every one of them, feeling them in me.
    Crawling right under my skin.
    Screaming for revenge…
    Searching for some kind of penance for their death.

    Their steps follow mine.
    I hear their warriors’ armor clinking behind me.
    Their cold breath on my neck like a cold wind stolen from winter.
    They steal my life, a living puppet for the dead who can no longer speak.

    When the moon is full, it’ll cry tears of blood, flooding the earth below.
    Destroying at that has been upon the soil since the beginning.
    Maybe to start over and reclaim her throne.

    An omen that something was coming.

    Happiness isn’t for everyone.
    There are those that are touched by a deathless life but have nothing in their hearts.
    Nothing to share with another.
    Nothing to give to another as a symbol of love.


    Love is useless to me.
    Unless I can love death and blood.

    To love death…?

    A fate of every warrior is to die, maybe leaving a piece of themselves behind…
    Within the heart of another, holding those precious memories close to them.

    But no matter what the path has in store for you…for me it will always be away from you.

    Whoever you are…
    Wherever you are…

    I’ll never be able to get to you.
    A constant curve or another turn, never stopping.
    No red lights to tell me to stop.
    Always moving…moving faster than the wind, but never seeming to catch up.
    Catch up to a dream…

    A distant story…

    A fairytale that never ends, nightmares at every corner.

    Threatening to disembowel me.
    Tear my throat out.

    Pull my heart out…

    Let me see if you beat outside of my chest.
    Because you surely don’t beat inside my chest.

    No matter what the scenario might be…you just stay there, not allowing me to feel.

    Feel the warmth of your skin.
    Your soft skin against mine.
    Touching every part of my soul.
    Tempting it to reach back.

    A wailing soul on an endless path to no destruction…
    No end in sight, just endless life…

    Listening to the warriors in my ear.
    Whispering to me…

    Death is your fate…
    You belong to us…

    © April 3, 2008