• She’s always been the tough type
    The one to never gripe
    She’s such a sweet child
    With everything on her mind
    She’s living the hard route
    One step at a time
    She’s taken for granted
    She’s just wasting her time
    The burns and bruises
    She has to wear
    While other kids’ only flair
    And no one ever sees she’s got a heart full of stones
    Every moment in the day
    Is a blessing she’s alive
    With a hope for tomorrow
    Oh, sweet sorrow child
    She wears a smile as a mask
    No one ever bothering to ask
    She knows right now she’s free to roam
    She starts to cry when she goes home
    No one will ever look behind the scenes
    Knowing she’s just a girl and it all seems
    Until the beatings take up all of the hate
    And in the morning, it’s all to late
    And no one ever saw she had a heart full of stones
    Carrying heavy weight on her own
    With a hope of tomorrow
    A smile that will never show
    Knowing now
    She's better off alone
    And no one ever knew she had a heart full of stones