• gaia_nitemareleft gaia_diamond gaia_nitemareright


    My aunt told me that this is the name of the demon that I hear according to a book that she saw (I forgot to ask what book it is so I). According to what I see on the internet its name is 'Lahad'. I hear these creepy noises back when I was a kid when I hear them I hide at a corner in our house and cry, this is according to what my father said. Now I hear them again and I can't describe exactly the sound but it's laughing. This only happens when there's no sunshine, merely at 10:00pm onwards 'till dawn or when I pray sincerely. For now, I just want to know why I here these noises and why do I hear them now. Sometimes I see dark entities but when I look back it's gone. So maybe it's just made by my mind but on what some people say, it is where the devils play...

    gaia_nitemareleft gaia_crown gaia_nitemareright