I should probably begin my introducing myself, I am Televated, the story i'm about to tell you- no rather, the events that i'm about to share to you (as best as I can) are real. About me, at the time I was high school student, I didn't belong with the most popular people, and I wouldn't say I was exactly the smartest kid either- I guess you can say I was an outcast. I tended to stick to my rather small group of friends, and spend the weekend at a friends house gaming. I liked to avoid crowds of attention and drama. But since these event's have taken place, my life is nothing but a rush of people.
My mom fell in love with a man I am proud to call my step-father, he's a simple man. He's works 9am to 5pm, eats, cleans, sleeps, repeat. My mom on the other hand is unemployed, she is a stay-at-home mom, and a majority of the time, she is asleep. I am the oldest child in the household. We are a blended family of 7. 3 of my brothers live with other parents (from seprate marriages) and in the household with me, I share a bedroom with my sister Liz in the basement, my brother and sister Koda and Meg have rooms of their own upstairs, alongside with my parents. My two sisters Liz and Meg are very similar, both are the most "popular" girls in our school (seeing as though we are in a K-12 school) they both are very obnoxious and flirty. They look down at people like me, and me being their sister, they try to adjust my style- all in failed attempts.
1ST NIGHT On the night it all began, I was at my friend's house for the weekend, seeing as though it was Sunday, my parent's were to come and pick me up. Aside from watching the usual Creepypastas, and playing Fallout nothing was out of the usual. I was preparing my clothes for the half an hour drive home, when the familiar loud, scratchy, honk from the used Jeep we owned make me jump. "Well i'll see you next weekend man! Text me tomorrow, ok?" We said our goodbyes and I ran out the door. It was raining, and I wasn't really interested in the usual small talk my mom would have waiting for me once I entered the vehicle. "How was your weekend?" She asked, not really interested on listening. "S'okay" I muttered, trying to find my seat belt. "Just okay?" She asked. "Yep" I said as the belt clipped in it's socket. "Have you been taking your pills?" She asked, in the regular im-prepared-to-argue-with-you tone, I know what you're thinking- and no, the pills are NOT birth control, they are anti-depressants. "No I forgot them" I said, like every weekend, same excuse. "Damnit Televated! (not my actual name) Do you WANT to go back to the hospital?! I'll admit you RIGHT NOW!" Moms yelling causes Dad to sigh. "Mom, I am fine, okay?" She shut up. I know she would start talking about me under her breath to Dad so I decided to put my headphones on and close my eyes, drowning myself in music. Half way to the house we pulled to the curb in front of my Pop's house. Dad had seen a bunch of boxes and wanted to see if anything useful was in them before they were thrown away. Meg also wanted to see what was in the boxes and she gasped and picked up a board. From that distance I could have sworn it was just a cutting board which made me laugh- "what could she possibly want with a cutting board?" I thought to myself. Until she brought it in the vehicle. Then I seen what it truly was. O U I J A in dark, bold letters was written across the top, to the left, was a YES, and to the right, was a NO. Followed by the alphabet on the bottom, numbers from 0 to 10 below the letters, and then in great, bold letters, was G O O D B Y E. It was a thick, solid wooden board. "I always wanted to try one of these!" Meg said. "Yeah well it's not going in my house" Mom warned us, " and I don't want any of you to mess with it" That was the first warning we avoided. Later when we got home, Meg showed no interest in the board and left it on the deck. Abandoned, it was left there. The rain stopped and I went down to my bedroom and told Liz about the board we had picked up. "What? Really? A Ouija Board!" She doubted me at first, the smell of burnt hair and nail polish remover flooded the room making me gag. "Come outside then if you don't believe me!" I rushed to the door sick from the smell. I'd do anything to get out of the house for a fresh breath of air. Once the door opened I gasped for air. Liz followed behind and I told her where it was. "It isn't there, I knew you'd lie you jerk" I looked for it, I could have sworn it was on the green chair. We began to walk back inside, Liz was upset that she couldn't find it and accused me of lying. Shortly after my dogs started to scratch at the door to get out. "Liz i'll put Micah on the leash you put Oakley on hers" Once we opened the door we found the board, on the green chair. After the dogs relieved themselves and went inside, Liz began to pressure me into using the board with her. "No!" I shouted, "I watched way to many paranormal s**t to get involved in that" She laughed " Come on we all know that they are all fake, it's only a damn board." She was right. From what we had seen it WAS only a board, a wooden board. So after a few more times of persistently asking me, I agreed. We sat on the porch, it was bright out because of the porch light we were able to use the board. We both put two fingers each on the boards play-piece, and asked "Is anybody here" the piece slowly moved to YES. I was convinced she was moving it, that she just wanted to frighten me so I accused her of moving the piece, and she laughed and said "No! I swear! It wasn't me!" I called her a few profound words (those of which I will not repeat) to the point where she got mad and left. My fingers were still on the board. "Goodbye I muttered" Using my free hand to check my phone, the fingers that were on the board, began to slowly move south until it reached G O O D B Y E.
AT BED TIME it was colder than usual, I get that it was the middle of October, but I didn't expect that I had to blast the heat and grab a few extra blankets. I was froze, Liz was too busy watching YouTube videos to complain. After a few hours of listening to music, I still couldn't fall asleep. I was trapped in the night, tossing and turning. I fell asleep roughly around 3am, and woke up at 4 to a nosebleed. This was the first of many that were to occur. I ran up to the sink, cherry red blood flowed down my face strolling off my neck. When I got to the bathroom I was covered in my own blood. I rolled up some toilet paper and shoved it as far as I could up my nose. I began to wash the blood off of my face, neck and chest. My favorite white nightdress now had splotches of red all over the collar and chest. The nosebleed stopped after 10 minutes, so I walked back downstairs, changed my clothes and went back to sleep.
THE NEXT DAY I told my sister not to use it without me there. I didn't want anything to harm her. Liz looked at me and snorted. "I know it was you messing with it, i'm not an idiot" She then left for school. I was exhausted, and my friends Chrissy and Vanni could see it. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Vanni asked, worried for me as usual. "Nothing just didn't get much sleep last night" Chrissy said she too didn't sleep well. I stayed at school for lunch rather than to go home like I usually did, I wanted to finish a painting I started in Art, the painting was a form of healing art that I was working on for a exhibit that was coming up soon. I wanted to receive an art scholarship or some sort of artistic award before graduation. I am almost certain that if I would have went home I could have prevented what my sister had done. Little did I know at the time, my sister was using the board with her friends, and they said to have contacted "Dean Bob" who appeared to be nice, but started to threaten the group of girls, when they heard the bell ring at the end of lunch, they left the board without saying goodbye.
AFTER SCHOOL I was exhausted, I went straight to bed. I could careless about my mom yelling at me for sleeping the day away. I needed sleep. I woke up around 8, the room was silent and cold. My sister Liz was nowhere to be found, so I went up to Meg's room and asked her where she was. "Oh she's in the shed with a bunch of friends using the board" I was angry. I told her NOT to use the board without me there. I put my boots on and went to the shed. I grabbed the board from them. "I'll take this" I slammed the shed door and walked away. I put the board underneath the porch so Liz couldn't use it. When I got inside I did my usual routine, homework, food, Skype with the boyfriend. I told Trav about how my sister found a ouija board and he freaked. "DONT YOU DARE USE IT" He said, I could tell he was serious so I never bothered to tell him how I used it the night before.. oops.
NIGHT 2 I was sleepy, I can admit that. The room was nice and warm, my bed looked very cozy and welcoming. I wanted nothing more but to doze off into dreams. I laid down and listened to music for about an hour. Liz was well asleep. I shut my eyes and I too passed out. I was awoken at 3 choking on blood. Another nose bleed. The room was darker than usual, and it was freezing. I darted up the stairs into the bathroom. I cleaned up the blood again, brushed my teeth, and went back downstairs. I laid in bed for an hour. I heard loud thumps on the stairs, as if someone would walk half way down the stairs, then run back up them. I thought it was my dog so I yelled out "Micah, Oakley!" Nothing. It stopped for a few seconds then picked up again, even louder. I didn't know what it was, or who it was, so I put my headphones in and listened to music. The blinds were swinging back and fourth as though someone were playing with them. I watched it swing, paralyzed and scared. I dare not move. Even after it stopped, I was afraid that if I moved it would start up again.
DAY 3 My teachers noticed how strange it was for me to be this exhausted. I couldn't focus on anything. If I told them I know i'd be called crazy, I kept it to myself. I bottled up my fear and tried to follow along with my every day life.
NIGHT 3 I wanted to sleep somewhere else, so I moved my blankets to the couch in the rec room. I got snug and drifted to sleep. I woke up again, 3:30am was blinking across the clock, no nosebleed though. I felt like I was being watched. I heard banging against the window thmmp-thmmp-thmmp, I thought it was a bush brushing against it, but by the time I got up to check it out I knew there was no bush. It was the board brushing against the window. There was no possible way anyone knew where the board was. I picked up the home phone from it's base and called my boyfriend, "uh.. hello?" he didn't reconize the Canadian number. "Trav! Talk to me i'm so scared right now!" I was shaking I could barely keep the phone in my hand. "Hun it's one thirty here, what's wrong are you okay?!" I didn't know how to explain it to him, I was at a loss for words. I just stood their like an idiot "I...I..I-" beepbeepbeep! The phone died. I sat on the couch to scared to sleep. The thumping against the window stopped and the room got cold. I heard walking coming from upstairs, then it proceeded to the stairs, which were clear in my view- I seen nothing on them. I was staring at the stairs, blood trickled down my face. Another nosebleed. I looked around the room for tissue, the only place with tissue was the bathroom, which was up the stairs. I ran up the first flight, then to the second, I felt like something pulled my leg. I tripped up and smashed my forehead against the top stair. I got up and bolted it to the bathroom. My nose was bleeding heavily. All I could taste was the blood, I could barely breathe. I looked up into the mirror, my eyes were swollen and everything was blurry, my forehead was bright red and the bottom of my face was flooding with blood. It was everywhere. My hands were red, my chest.. I looked up in the mirror, the shower curtain was slowly moving open. I froze. Unable to scream. I adverted my eyes to the taps and began to was the blood off of my face and hands, took a roll of toilet paper and ran to my bedroom. "Liz wake up! Liz!" She jumped up "WHAT!" The bedroom door slammed close on it's own. She screamed. "OH GOD! ITS DEAN BOB!" She cried. At this point in time I didn't know who or what Dean Bob was. "WHO IS DEAN BOB?!" I yelled, shaking her shoulders. She cried even louder "HE'S THE GUY FROM THE BOARD WE WERE TALKING TO" "I DIDN'T THINK HE WAS REAL I THOUGHT THE GIRLS WERE JOKING OH MY GOD" Everything fell silent. Everything. It went away for the rest of the night.
THE NEXT DAY I did some research. I contacted a paranormal investigation group, the leader of the group, Dale, had requested to do an interview with me. I accepted his request.
DURING THE INTERVIEW He told me he wanted to bind and bury the board. It would get rid of whatever may have came out of it. He asked me to get him the board. We said our goodbyes and went I went back to school.
AT LUNCH I didn't want to go look for it alone, so I told Chrissy, Vanni, Josh and Brady about the board and everything that happened. I then asked them to come and get it with me. They all agreed. With that we headed to my house. We looked at the windows, the Ouija Board was nowhere to be seen. Then we opened the shed door. It was instantly cold. We all huddled in and started to look behind things, opening the unused freezer, the chicken coop, the couch. Nothing. It was completely empty. I sighed and asked "Listen, give me back the board" We all heard a loud groan and then the tower of car rims knocked down and hit Chrissy in the leg. She moved behind Brady who was also freaked out. We heard a loud hiss and then the mirror from across the room flung and shattered on top of me. I was petrified. I ran out of the shed. We couldn't find it. I gave up faith.
WE WENT BACK TO SCHOOL I was shaking, I looked like I was about to drop to the floor and have a seizure. Chrissy helped me get to our next class repeating my name "..it's going to be okay, it's going to be okay ... look at me it will be fine" I knew otherwise. I had to sleep in that house. For the rest of that day I kept my head in my arms and rested on my desk.
LIZ AND I WOULD NOT SEPRATE It was clear that we both were too frightened without the other. Meg thought we were crazy, our parents thought we were faking it. We only had each other. Bags began to form under my eyes and I was told that I was losing weight and color. I didn't see it. I guess it was either from my new found insomnia or because of my anemia. We found that out on a later date that I had begun to have an iron deficency. I was weak and exhausted. I couldn't concentrate in school anymore. Liz too was having troubles. Dale told me to begin taking pictures of things, and seeing if we could find more evidence, I began to think that he too believed that it was all fake.
NIGHT 4 It was calm and we slept, but we were awoken at 3:34am to the radio. It wasn't even on a damn channel, it was just the fuzz. Liz got up and unplugged it, and tried to go back to sleep. I cuddled in to her, but was shortly awaken to gagging. I was choking on air, then blood began to drip down my face. The usual procedure. Run up stairs, go to bathroom, wash blood off, and then go back to bed. When I went down the stairs the door to outside swung open. The ouija board was trapped between the deck floor boards. I went out and grabbed the board, and hid it in the grill. I locked the lid and went back inside.
DAYTIME I didn't go to school, I was too sick. I woke up with a fever and mom told me to stay home. I couldn't thank her enough. I slept the entire day. I got up and went on Skype, I told Trav what was going on and he didn't believe me. "You're too paranoid" he laughed. I felt abandoned. Nobody knew what I was going through.
EVENING When Dad got home, he was very fussy. "You spend too much time caring about that damn board than this family!" If only he knew. "Dad it's not like that, i'm trying to get rid of it by binding and burying it!" he laughed "believe me or not! It will be all over soon" He got even worse "No! I'm sick of this s**t! I'll go get rid of it! I found it in the grill this morning!" He went out doors and I couldn't help but watch him from the window. He cracked the board into 8 pieces and threw them in the fire pit.
NIGHT 5 I was really sick. It got so bad, I had to go to the hospital. Besides vomiting, my fever was worse, and I was trembling. "She might need to be readmitted" Mom whispered to Dad. He nodded. Both of them were on two different tablets, Mom was playing Slots, and dad was playing Need 4 Speed. I was going over scenarios in my head, wondering how bad my sickness is. After a few hours in the ER, we were sent home. New meds, new hope. I was still scared. I dreaded going home. I almost begged to be admitted. I couldn't stay another night in the house. When we got home, I went straight to bed, and wasn't bothered at all.
DAY 6 I got up, Dad was already gone to work. I threw on my shoes and went to the fire pit. I picked through all the pine needles and carboard and only found 7 out of 8 pieces of the board. Dad came home because he forgot his cell phone and seen me with the pieces. Mad, he took them, and threw them on the ground, went into the shed, got gasoline, drentched the pieces in gas, then lit a match. I was devistated. How do I close the board now? We watched it burn for at least an hour. Until there was only black char left on the grass. I called Dale "my Dad.. he burnt the board" He wasn't pleased. "Bury the ashes, pour salt on top of them, repeat the prayer of Michael and NEVER dig it up" I went to do as I was told, but when I got to Dads roasting point, there was no ashes. Just grass.
- by Trucidation |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/24/2013 |
- Skip

- Title: Ouija Board Experience
- Artist: Trucidation
- Description: My paranormal experience with an unusual Ouija Board. 100% real.
- Date: 11/24/2013
- Tags: dont mess with board
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