One night, as i went outside to make sure there's nothing dangerous outside, but only to get bitten on the foot. Then i said "ouch!" then i looked down and there was a baby T Rex down there. i decided it's a suicide idea to keep him as a pet. so i walked away. But the T Rex would not stop complaining. I decided that i should keep it until it's mother shows up. I picked him up, brought him into my room, i put him in a cage, then went into the kitchen and got some stake for him. Then i put him back in his cage after he ate the stake. At morning time i was surprised to see he has grown a little bigger that quick. He was hungry but there was no meat left. So i went to the store, bought him some cooked chicken and left. By the time i got home, he broke out of his cage. i looked everywhere for him but could not find him. I know a lot about almost every dinosaur so i know what can attract a T Rex. I put the baked chicken on the floor and the small brained, but not stupid baby T Rex came out from underneath my bed. But the bad news was there was a herd of school bus sized triceratops's. The problem was that i had the baby T Rex unguarded. I rapidly grabbed the baby T Rex and hid in the closet. By the time the ambush was over, i got out of the closet with the baby T Rex in my hand. The house was destroyed! outside was the mamma t rex. i let the baby t rex go. i walked away. then rebuilt my house.
me and my t-rex
How i met a baby t-rex who was abandoned (i made it nonfiction because dinosaurs were real)
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