I get home from work and its just about 8:35 p.m. I head over to my room ignoring the dog and close the door behind me. I throw my book bag on my chair and take off my jacket and shoes. I am very tired from the night's walk. It takes about an hour and a half to get home walking. It can be very dangerous walking home at night, but most avoid me due to the fact that I am tall, dress in dark clothing most of the time, and have a serious look on my face.
I sit on my bed and try to gather my thoughts. What do I do now? Well, I could play some video games, write a poem or watch a movie on my PS3. No, none of those things will make me happy at this time really. I sit there and think for what seemed an eternity to me. Finally, YOU come into my mind and all my worries melt away. I remember the day I saw you and yet we only spoke briefly. You were so cute and your voice like an angel.
I could have asked you for your number, but a part of me was very much afraid. I then decided to grab my journal and chronicle todays events. It was a short entry as not too many interesting things happen to me. I change into my pajamas and prepare for bed. Then, my thoughts repeat themselves like all other nights.
I imagine you sitting there, at the foot of my bed, breathing softly as you get ready for bed too. You seductively come closer to me and nibble my shoulder. I turn out the light and soon we are in each others arms. No games of intimacy or anything of the like. Its just you and me. We always hold each other, almost like an old couple about to die, as I know this too will end.
Then, a kiss on my lips, almost like magic. It feels real but I know its only a lie. Yet...my mind continues to play games with me. Soon enough, what I realize I am holding was nothing more than my own covers. In my mind, I know I should forget, but still there lingers the sensations of when we first met. Oh well. I cover my entire face and then slowly but softly let out a small sigh. Tomorrow is another day.
I met this one person who stole my heart entirely. Its been 2 years...and still...
*I wrote this quickly so let me know if you see spelling mistakes*
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