Like many storys, there is... A main character, now, this person was, and still is, a boy. This boy like many others has a name but... He chooses not to give it away, he must have his reasons.
Like many other boys or girls from nowadays this boy likes the internet, he is even addicted to it. Very addicted, but he realizes that, he knows he is and he knows why, he is because in the internet he can be who he is, and not be judged for it.
This boy thought he had already felt everything, he thought he had a mature heart already. Love, hate, sadness, despair, pain and happiness. One day this boy was in a forum, a common place found all around the internet, there he had found a girl. A nice looking girl, she was quite attractive too. They talked and they enjoyed this first contact so they decided to become friends.
This girl had a boyfriend, at first he thought he looked like any other normal person, but he found out he was quite connected to her. And the other way around. He din't mind, he was just glad that in such short time he managed to become one of her greatest friends, and she, had grown in him, he had a strong connection with her, more than usual.
One day she told him she had broken up with her boyfriend for their own reasons. He was there i suppose, there for her. As time went by she had confessed to him, that she liked him more than it is usual amongst friends. He accepted her feelings by revealing his own, they din't call themselves a couple. But lovers instead of that.
As time went by they were happy, distance was... No offence but quite the pain in the rear, but it din't matter as long as their promise of meting each other. As time went by, she told him that her ex boyfriend was hurting himself, he even tried to kill himself over her. He had claimed life without her was not a life at all. He din't understand, why did someone do that? doesn't he know if he does, it will bring pain onto her? that she would blame herself?
He was asked by her to talk to him, to clear his head. He did, he talked to him and he He did seem upset, not angry... But sad, genuinely sad and lost. He still din't understand what he was feeling, because all he felt at this point was genuine love.
He had never felt love with such intensity, he thought it was weird even, to love someone so much when you had never seen that person, they had only seen each other in photos. But it was going to change, she got a webcam, it was an exciting day. Once the webcams were on... Everything changed, he fell more in love with her than before, she was beautiful, he had already fallen in love with her mind, her soul, her entire being, he din't even care about her looks. Neither did she, they loved each other allot.
So many promises were made, them being together forever, her waiting for him and many other things. His dream was fulfilled, to find the one he loves and settle in, loving her forever and ever. But things weren't always pretty, sometimes they had fights, but they always managed to get over it and create a stronger relationship.
Unfortunately his dream was about to come to an end, he loved her very much, unusually allot, he thought of it everyday, how far would he go for her? Walking naked all over his home country? He din't mind, choosing her or his legs? He would choose her, he doesn't need his legs to love her. He was willing to undergo a thousand years of torture, where every second was another thousand years, as long as she was on the end of those thousand years waiting for him, he din't care. He din't like disagreeing with her, so he din't, for him, everything she said was truth.
One day, before school started she told her she had dreamed... Dreamed they would make a brake, on their relationship. He din't understand, he thought a brake was just for a while, it would hurt him but he loved her, and he was wiling to agree with her, he trusted her, he felt like she would love him forever. He entered a depression not much later, he had a dream himself. In this dream she had went and got back together with him, he wanted to believe it was just a dream, but it felt so... Real.
Two weeks later... He was right, it happened, they got back together, she needed the contact, the physical contact, a normal relation. This boy, had never felt so heart broken, never. He thought this girl was the one he was going to stay with forever, his chest nearly exploded from the emotions. His head almost exploded from the headaches and the situation he was in. His stomach almost exploded from the butterflies he was having, he threw up, he got sick, he felt like being dead was the only way to end such... Atrocious feelings of sadness and pain. At that point he realized what immature heart he had up until that point. After a while he was still depressed, but he could now feel... What he felt, what her boyfriend had felt that moment. The boy never had the guts to cut himself or to kill himself because he knew, like her boyfriend, if he killed himself, she would only blame herself. Up until today he misses her and wishes he had fought for her, for her love, now its too late, she took him out of his life without telling him, slowly, he gets better. But he can never forget the life he wanted to have, never forget who he loved.
He just wished that one day he would find someone like her. He roams in his own life, hoping to find someone he can trust again, even though its hard now, he cant even see if he likes someone or not, he lost his vision. Hopefully, his story will have a happy end, unlike the end of this story.
It tells us we are always w...
This is a true story my pas...
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I'm censoring her name in f...