Sammy sat there dazed, she couldn't understand why her best friend was taken away from her so easily. He was there and then the next minute, God took him away. They we're just walking to the bus stop like any other day; laughing, talking, having the best time in the world. Until a car drove by and swerved to their direction, the driver was trying to dodge the little cat that was walking by. The car would've killed Sammy, but Noah pushed her out of the way.
Paralyzed from shock, She just sat there helpless. While crying and screaming her lungs out. Noah only smiled at her, the cheerful smile he always had glued to his face. One thing came out of his mouth. "Sam... grab my bag... and... l-look for a leather n-note-book... its blue, and read it..."
"Noah, NOAH!!!! DON'T DIE ON ME NOAH!!!!!" Sammy couldn't process what was going on...
"Please, read the book..."
Couple of months went by and still, the notebook was left on her wooden desk untouched. Sammy knew if she read it, only hatred would consume her heart. But, curiousty finally engulfed her.
"Th-this is Noah's journal..." Tears splashed onto the cover of the book, Sam wiped her tears away before opening the book.
August 25th
It's strange... How Sammy could be so energetic, I wonder to myself if that hyper active girl would ever sit still. I wish I could do that flippy thingy around the pull like she could. I practice everyday.. But still can't do it...
August 30th
I did it! I can do the flips like Sammy can! Wooo accomplishment babeyyyy!!! I can't wait to show off to her Anyways... I can't wait till school starts, I can finally hang out with everyone else in the group. Tom with his obnixous side, I thought I'd never miss that. And Strangly, I feel attracted to Melony. She's just so... Idk hot and stuff >w< I would totally do her! Haha... Can't wait.
"You numskull" Sammy thought, smile a bit and flipped to the next page.
September 9th
Alright... School offically has gotten BORING!!! So here I am writing in this now. There's this weird teacher that won't stop talking about sex! I mean seriosuly he need a life! >.> Uh... Crap... He's walkin to my direction. s**t!
Okay... I got busted oh well. So what if he read this? Doesn't matter. haha... ^.^lll Except I got like a month of detention. I just realized todays 9/11... I wonder if I could die in an honorable way like that... I hope so.
"You did Noah, you really did..."
September 11th
A week till homecoming, and I asked Melony and she said YES!!! Cha-ching I hit the lotto! Anyways, Tom asked Sammy, and to tell you the truth Sammy could do WAY better. The girls said there gonna go dress shoppin, I can't wait to see them in their revealing clothes >////< And Tom won't shut up about his abs... I mean they look like flabs to me.
September 12th
Tom did something so ******** stupid, I swear I'll kill him for what he did to Sam. She's like the sweetest girl ever! That b*****d, just stepping all over her feeling. I'd drop everything to protect her. He is gonna die. NOW.
Same day
I can't believe Sam forgave that fat b*****d.... It pisses me off!!!
"Oh... Noah."
September 14th
Weird... I didn't feel that happy dancing with a hot rod like Mel. I couldn't help but keep glancing at HER, Sam. I don't know why it pissed me off to see her in another guy's arms, Eh... Probably I'm just reading too much into this... I mean it was TOM after all
September 18th
Now things are getting weird to bizzare... I mean Mel asked me to have sex with her, and all I said was "NO." what the hell was I thinking, I mean come on... A D-cup girl, and I said NO??? Oh My ******** D:<
January 23rd
Whoa I totally forgot about this thing... I shouldn't have, Sam gave it to me. And i realized how I feel for her. I love her, so much. And i swear its weird, i mean i like girls with breasts. This is SO crazy, but... I don't regret falling in love with her. I'd give up my life for her... Anything for her. I just hope, She'll love me back. Ew... I feel like one of those girly-girls. But, heh, it feels kinda good ^///^
February 4th
Alright, why do I feel like something bads gonna happen? I just woke up from a nightmare, I mean... I had this feeling I'd never see Sam again... That she'd slip away from my grasp. Her short inmature body would be gone, forever... I feel awfully scared... But its just a dream and we have school tomorrow. I should go back to sleep. I think... I'm going to confess my love to Sam tomorrow Wish me luck~!
Massive tears dropped on the page, Sammy knew she'd regret reading the journal. "Noah... You accomplished everything you wanted to do. Die an honorable death, and also... Confess your feelings. You gave this to me knowing that huh? You b*****d... You might feel content, but I feel like bullshit!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO AWAY NOAH!?!?!?" Sammy tucked the journal close to her chest, her tears felt so uncontrollable. It felt like a big scar was made in her heart, that would never go away.
"Noah... Noah.. I-I-I-I also loved you... from the beginning, b-ut you you never..." Sammy didn't understand what she was trying to say, nothing made sense to her anymore.A faint glow came from the journal. Shocked, Sammy threw it across the room. "Ouch Sam, that HURT!" A familair voice cried out
"N-Noah...? I-i-is that you???" Sammy felt delirious.
A body started to form from the journal, a faint one.
"Yo Sam, don't just assume I felt content. I mean I had one more thing I wanted to do... But never got to write it down." Noah started to play with his hair, not knowing what to do.
"What are you talking about--- and your legs are... Gone.."
"DUH! I'm dead, a ghost, etc. etc... Anyways come here!"
Noah grabbed one of Sammy's wrist and pulled her into his chest wrapping his arm around her, the two stared at each other for a moment. Slowly, Noah bent down and pressed his lips upon hers.
The kiss felt so real, Sammy wished it would be like this forever. Noah by her side... Was the only thing she wanted so deeply. Suddenly, Noah pulled back, Sam didn't want him to stop.
"I gotta go babe, Heaven gates are ringing. Man! Couldn't you have read journal sooner? It felt cramp in there."
Sam tried to slap him for the insult, but her had went right through him. She now truly knew, he had no role in this world any longer... Seeing her sad face Noah said something he would regret.
"Hey Sammy... There's plenty of other guys out there just waiting to date you! Forget about me and--- live your life. I saved you, so live happily and find that right man... and have children of your own."
"Dummy! All I need is you! So don't go!!!"Noah pulled back, the smile that was always glued to his face was showing, brighter than ever.
Leaving her again, was the hardest thing he could do... Soon after Sam did edventually go out with guys and sought out the man of her life, of course had children of her own... Noah watched all this happen with that smile that always seemed to be glues on his face.

- Title: The Journal
- Artist: Clevix
- Description: I actually made this on my journal.. And yeah ignore the spelling and grammer, I didn't really wanna correct it since I worte it in meh journal XD I think I actually did a good job on it XD Though... I didn't describe much... Sorry... =w= Honestly this was made fast and It was like five in the morning when I made it.. So I was sooooo tired. I can't really explain the summary, so just read it >w< Please leave a comment about your opinion (Not about the spelling and grammer usages.)
- Date: 08/26/2010
- Tags: journal
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