There Is a Boy name Ivan He Lived In a Home town 31 He is 14 yrs old One Day His mom Have told him that He's Going to another School
MOTHER: Ivan Son Your Going to another School
Ivan: What! I Don't want To Transfer Another school Again
Mother: I'm The mother Here Ivan
Ivan: Ok Fine..
After That Day he's mom Transfer Ivan to another school
When Ivan Come in To his Room He was Quiet never Spoke Even a One word,When Snack Time He was so alone In the Table,There's a girl ask him " uhmm hi..can i sit with you?" Ivan was so shocked and say " uhm sure" When the Girl Sit in front of the boy They never talk...When The school Ends ivan was walking alone The Girl Name hannah Walked with him IVAN ask " are you the girl Who sit with me??" Hannah answered"yes" ivan oh ok...Were Do you live ask ivan Uhmm Home town 32 hannah answered Ivan was SO SCHOCKED AND SAID WHAT! you live there! I lived in hometown 31 Were not That far haha!! that's weird smile hannah answered....
AFTER 3 weeks
when Ivan and Hannah Reached School One girl asked IVan are you and hannah are together now?? hah?? no she's just my best friend Ivan answered...
hannah was walking alone Going to school Hannah tough that Ivan was early at school but when he reached At she's classroom he was shocked and ask her self were his Ivan
hannah still walked alone going to school and ask her self Ivan was not walking with me anymore I missed him when hannah reached At school He so ivan HEY IVAN shouted Hannah
Ivan just snob her "Ivan what's happening to you?? are you ok There's any problem?? asked hannah " i have no problem so Live me alone" ivan walked away BUt hannah pulled Ivan's Hand and ask him IVAN What's with you!!! Why are you touching my life Who are you in my lifE?? Hannah Just shut up when ivan asked that...
AFTER 2 weeks
Someone text her and said HANNAH IVAN IS IN HOSPITAL!
HAnnah quick Run at the hospital when he reached at ivan's Room his mom was there when i saw Ivan On the bed i was like Dead Cuz i realize that I' love him MORE THAN BEST FRIENDS she Tell her self its too late to say I LOVE YOU IVAN.... " Hannah Dear hold his Cellphone and Look at all the inbox Ivan's mom told her When hannah look at his cellphone's Inbox he Saw One message
HEY IVAN LeaV hannah alone Or we'll Do something bad at her
Please Don't Touch HAnnah cuz' I love her more than friends and I did what you want me to do I DON't walk with her and Snobbing her,,, I love her so much
Hannah saw Ivan was not breathing anymore...HAnnah shouted IVAN I LOVE YOU PLEASE DON't leave ME!!!! PELASE crying ,,,,
BEST FRIENDS Is like your life to But one day You'll Realize You love himmore than Friends.. heart
Bestfriends :)
II iJuwii II
This is about my Friend name Hannah :(
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