((Ps no it's not done, yes it's gonna go through a bunch more changes lol so yeah))
Summer Nightmare
By Alyssa McManus
Chapter One
The Summer House
Alice sat beside her brother Brian in the backseat of the family van. Her parents sat in the front and appeared to be talking about how they hoped the house didn't get damaged in a recent storm that had taken down a few trees. They were on their way to their summer house where they spent every summer at, sort of a family tradition. They always spent Alice's birthday there, this year was her 16th birthday. Her parents were planning on buying her a car, of coarse they hadn't told her this, she had overheard them discussing it one night.
Alice glanced over at Brian, who was of coarse playing his psp, why can't he do something else she thought to herself and turned away. The only thing that showed they were even related was their baby blue eyes. Alice's favorite song, The Safety Dance was blaring through her roxy DJ headphones, she like older music, 80's 60's, the Beatles and what not. Only one of her friends liked the same types, Ivy. She lived it Beauville, where their summer house was. Alice and Ivy hung out ever summer and called eachother once a week during the schoolyear to keep updated one eachothers lives.
Alice was a pretty girl, thin with flawless pale skin, for soem strange reason she couldn't tan. Her strawberry blonde hair fell over her shoulders, her bangs were held out of her face with a white thin head band. She wore a lilac coloured tank top that was tight on her slim body, with white short shorts. She wore grey and electric blue puma's on her feet, she didn't like dcs all that much.
Brian glanced over at Alice from his psp, his raven black hair was shaggy and fell over his face. He was only 13, still young, but was already classified as a goth, loner. Alice sometimes felt bad for him and tried often to help him make friends. She had failed everyime exept once. A 14 year old who lived in Beauville, who's name was Steven. He had the same interests as Brian and was also rather gothic like Brian. Neither of them ever wore any colours exept black, grey and the occasional white. There was only one difference between them, Steven was a huge pervert, mostly to Alice and Ivy. Brian was very uncomfortable when Steven talked to him about how hot he thought Alice was, he would simply nod then change the subject. Brian however was very kind and was never perverted, Alice had seen him talking to a girl similar to him one day, he had been so sweet to her offering to help her with her math.
The van turned right and Alice knew they were almost at the house, she pulled her headphones off and stuffed them and her ipod into her purse. Brian looked up having heard her moving around, he turned his psp off and shoved it in his right pocket of his black jeans.
“ Oh good you two are back to Earth,” said their mom from the front seat. Alice laughed,
“ Yeah, sorry the i spy game was getting old plus Brian over here just kept saying, i spy something black. Which always ended up being an article of clothing on him.” Brian didn't say anything but instead sighed heavily looking out the window. Alice suddenly felt bad, she glanced up at her mom in the mirror. Her and Alice looked very similar, for they had the same nose and hair and high cheek bones, their eyes's however were different. Her mom had hazel eyes with lots of fleck of green in them. She was 50 along with her dad but remained looking young and beautiful. Her dad had brown hair and the smae baby blue eyes as Brian and Alice. No one was sure how Brian got Black hair, no one really cared.
They drove a little bit further then turned right onto the driveway of the summer house. The summer house came into view, it had a large deck that went all the way around it. The paint was a pasty white, then shutters were a layed back lime colour. The van came to a stop and Alice opened the door and waited for Brian to get out before slamming it shut. She grabbed her suitcase and dragged it into the house. It was a two story house not counting the basement which served as a game room.
Alice struggled as she dragged the suitcase upstairs, she didn't exactly have the strongest arms, she had strong legs though. She was a track runner, ever since last year that is. Alice and Ivy had gotten into trouble smoking pot. They were caught once and were given a single warning due to their young age, stop now and turn their lives around or continue and eventually die or end up in jail. Alice stopped and got into track, and soon became the fastest runner in their city and many others. Ivy however chose to continue but be extra careful, Alice tried her hardest everytime she saw her to get her off of it but had so far failed everytime. She heard Brian coming up the stairs behind her, she could tell by the rythmic bang of his suitcase on the stairs. He wasn't exactly tall he was 4'8, while Alice was 5'6 the average height for a 15 year old soon to be 16. Brian was below average perhaps because he was born at least 7 weeks early and had been premature, he barely made it only weighing 3 or 4 pounds. Alice wondered if that was why he was rather anti-social. She then turned left and went down a hall and opened her door to her room and looked around. She had a queen bed with a canopy over it, she had always wanted a canopy, it made her feel like a princess when she slept under it. It had japanese letters on it in gold the rest was red, she had picked it out herself the previous summer. She set her suitcase on the ground and opened it pulled out a brush, and ran it through her silk hair to rid it of recently developed tangles. She set it on her vanity table then looked around her room. Perhaps i will try to talk to Brian, she thought to herself then walked out of her room, and went down the hall. She knocked on his door and waited for him to say something. It remained quiet,
“It's Alice, i'm coming in” she said then opened his door slowly, she looked in to see Brian on his computer he glanced over at her expresionlessly then turned back to the screen.
“Uh hi bud” she said trying to make him say something. Brian sighed,
“Hello” he said, without looking at her. Alice walked in and closed the door,
“Brian can we just talk for a bit” she asked smiling at him. Brian glanced over at her longer this time,
“Bout' what?” he asked curiously. Alice crossed his room and sat on his queen bed which had black sheets. She felt depressed beign in his room. Alice shrugged,
“We never talk, i want to have more of a friendship with you before i move out and stuff” she said unhappily. Brian spun his chair around so it was facing Alice, he rubbed his neck then shrugged,
“I suppose that's alright” he said his hair fell over his right eye. Alice crossed her legs and thought for a second then said,
“So are you and Steven gonna hang out tonight?” she asked trying to start a convorsation with him which was sometimes nearly impossible. He smiled which seemed like a miracle, he had a cute boyish smile,
“Yeah i got a tony hawk game for him, we came a little late this year so i had to get him something for his birthday” Brian said still smiling, Alice loved it when he actually talked, once he got going her was very social. Suddenly her pocket started to buzz, she pulled her cell phone out and looked at the screen. One new text, hmm who could that be from she wondered then opened the message.
From: Ivy
Heyy i saw ur van come into town, ask ur mom if you can sleepover at my place! Missed ya
Alice laughed to herself then texted her back.
New message: (no subject)
To: Ivy
K i'll go ask right now, if i'm not there in 30 mins she said no lol
She pressed send then looked up at Brian,
“Uh Ivy wants me to sleepover, sorry when i get back tomorow how bout we play some street fighter?” she suggested smiling. Brian's smile faded slightly,
“Sure sounds good Alice”
“Ok, well see ya bud” she said then ran down stairs to see her mom unpacking some groceries in the kitchen.
“Hey mom can i sleep over at Ivy's place?” she asked hopefully, then leaned on the counter.
“Oh Alice, i don't know, your birthday is tomorow and i want you to be home with your family,” Said her mom glancing at her as she put a jug of milk in the fridge door. Her dad walked in carrying more groceries,
“What do you know about dear?” he asked setting the bags on the counter. Alice was about to tell him but her mom beat her to it.
“Alice wants to sleepover at Ivy's” she said emphasizing her name, Alice knew they weren't too sure about her, after all Ivy was the one that got her in trouble the most.
“Please, i'll be home tomorow at lunch then we can all go out for lunch maybe Smitties or something and celebrate” she said looking from her mom to her dad hopefully. Her mom began to protest but her dad interrupted her,
“Paige,” said her dad looking at his wife smiling “Alice hasn't seen Ivy in a long, time you know how good of friends they are. I sure know, by her phone bill” he said turning to Alice as he mentioned her phone bill. Her mom rubbed her forehead then sighed,
“Fine, by lunch tomorow ok, no later,” Alice smiled brightly and walked over quickly and hugged her dad then mom.
“Don't you have to pack?” asked her mom as Alice pulled away from her.
“Oh, naw, Ivy is fairly close to me size,” she said smiling, then turned and walked towards the door. As she walked away she heard her mom say,
“Just don't do anything stupid,” Alice barely heard her for she was already out the door.
“Ok mom” when she got off the deck she broke into a sprint and headed in the direction of town. She couldn't wait to see Ivy, it seemed like it had been eons. It always did, they were almost like sisters, despite their different looks.
Chapter Two
Alice took a left then jogged into the parking lot, she walked when she got to the door, barely breathing hard. She went in and a little bell on the door tinkled rather loudly.
“Ivy?” she called out looking around for her sneaky friend.
“If you jump out at me i swear i'll hurt you” she said holding her upper arm tightly. Ivy walked out from behind a card stand wearing a scream mask on her face,
“Boo” she said unthusiastically
“You're such a scaredy cat you're lucky i pity you, once in awhile” Ivy pulled the mask off and set it on the counter, Alice ran to her and hugged her tightly.
“Oh i missed you so much” said Alice then she pulled away. Ivy had a completly different body type, she was muscular all over, her arms were muscly but also very feminine. She had dark brown hair with side bangs that covered her left eye, her eyes were a lighter brown. She wore a black tank top which had been ripped so it ended just above her belly button which had a small diamond piercing on it, she wore dark blue short shorts and white, electric blue and black dcs on her feet.
“You look amazing Alice, maybe i should start running so i can look like that” said Ivy laughing,
“Are you kidding if you exersize anymore you'll be like one of those scary lady wrestlers” said Alice, they both broke out in histarical laughter.
They were soon seated on two stools behind the counter, Ivy still had 10 minutes before her shift ended. They both looked up from their magazines when they heard the bell tinkle, a man walked in wearing a black hoodie with the hood up. Ivy, tossed hers onto the counter then watched him carefully, Alice looked on the counter for a new magazine after setting the one she had just read on the counter. Suddenly she grabbed a newspaper and read it for the title had caught her eye.
Missing girl's body found!
The body of Stephanie Jenson was found on the side of range road 34, at 1 am last night by a man and his dog. Police warn teen girls to avoid staying out late, and request they be inside a safe place by night fall.
The main suspects of the case are Derek Staron, Billy Staron and a young boy around 16 or 17, who's name has remained unfound.
Alice stopped reading, she had read quite enough, she shivered then looked up when Ivy poked her arm, the boy came to the counter and Ivy began to scan his items. Pop, a small bag of chips and cigerettes.
“Umm you 18?” asked Ivy when she picked up the pack of cigerettes. He coughed then pulled his hood down slowly to reveal his face. He had dark blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that was rather shaggy and messy, surprisingly good looking, to Alice at least.
“Nope but uh, maybe i could give you some pot, i've got some back at my motel” he said with a sly smile. Definetly cute thought Alice to herself, she smiled at him sweetly, he blushed slightly. Then Alice realized what he had offered, she began to protest but Ivy had already begun to accept his offer.
Soon they were at his motel they walked, Ivy practically dragged Alice there. It was one of those cheap motor motels that were usually seen in horror movies with cockroaches. Alice looked around the ground checking for any, she hated bugs.
Ivy sat down on one of the beds and watched as the boy pulled a plastic bag out with multiple joints in it.
“As i promised,” he said handing the bag to Ivy, she looked it over as if to check it.
“ I wanna try it to make sure it's legit,”
“Ivy, no we should just leave ok, you got what you wanted” she said worridly, for the fear that she would give in to tempation. Ivy pulled one of the joints out, the boy handed her a lighter she lit it, then glanced over at Alice.
“Chill girl, take a seat and relax ok” she said smiling. Alice threw her arms up in the air.
“Ivy no, we're in a motel with a guy we don't even know the name to an-” Ivy cut her off and turned to the boy who was lighting up his own joint.
“What's your name my friend?” she asked swaying slightly. He laughed then answered,
“The name's Christian, there now you guys know me but i still don't know you” he said looking from Ivy to Alice.
“Well i'm Ivy and the stick in the mud over there is Alice” she said gesturing to Alice, who gaped at Ivy.
“Ivy i'm not a stick in the mud, i'm simply not into killing my brain cells anymore” she snapped at her. Ivy coughed then tilted her head at Alice, she was already high off of only a few breaths of it.
“Hey hey, that's not nice Alice, just chill ok, just take a joint and relax for a bit,” she said pulling a joint out of the bag and held it out to Alice. Alice forced herself to stay where she was,
“Come on Alice, one won't hurt, just one” she said. Alice breathed in and her lungs were filled with the smoke from Christian and Ivy's joints. She couldn't take it any longer and took the joint, Christian tossed her the lighter. She mentally slapped herself when she lit it. She hesitated then put it between her lips and breathed it in, she remembered this feeling, the feeling of utter relaxation, as if she had no problems no worries in the world. It was the best feeling in the world...
Chapter Three
It didn't take long for Alice get high, she sat on the beds edge by Ivy smoking her joint slowly, savoring it, for she would make sure it would be her last one she would ever have.
“Se- see Alice it's awsome” she said stuttering slightly, she smiled at Alice goofishly.
Suddenly they all heard the roar of a truck engine outside, Christian's eyes widened and he ran over to the window and gasped.
“s**t, s**t, get out of here quick!” he yelled trying despretly to open the window but it seemed to be stuck. Suddenly the door opened 2 men walked in, the first one had dark blue eyes like Christain and black hair that was well kept, with a goate on his chin. The other man had dark brown hair that was spike dup with gel, too much in Alice's opinion. Alice watched as Christian slowly let his hands fall to his sides from the window, he glanced from the man with black hair to Alice and Ivy. Ivy had moved over beside Alice, they both were standing now facing the door trying to figure out what was going on.
“Well, well, well,” said the man with black hair, “Christian have you made some new friends,” he walked over to Christain and put his arm around his shoulder,
“Mighty fine choices you made, you should have brought 3 over then Billy wouldn't be left out,” he said with a fake frown,
“But i suppose i'll share with him,” he said looking at Ivy, Ivy grabbed Alice's hand and squeezed it tightly. Alice didn't have a good feeling about these new people.
“Dad please, just let them go, they don't know anything” pleaded Christian, glancing from his dad to Alice and Ivy. Alice thought for a second she remembered reading the name Billy somewhere but she couldn't remember, it was probaly nothing. The man pulled Christian over to the man named Billy,
“Hold him” he said sternly glaring at Christian, before he moved again he said,
“No my dear boy, i can't do that, they already know to much, they know our faces”
He began to walk over to Alice and Ivy slowly looking them over with his blue eyes that weren't as calming as Christians.
“Hmm, i'll take the brunette, the blonde is perfect for you Christian, she's all cute and bubbly looking,” when he finished speaking her grabbed Ivy and pulled her away, wrapping one arm around her stomach the other her neck. Alice screamed when she was pulled away,
“Billy forget about Christian leave him be, hold the blonde” he said looking at Ivy who glared at him struggling to free herself. Billy pushed Christian into the wall rather roughly, then made his way over to Alice and grabbed both her wrists and held them in one hand for they were rather small.
“Let us go!” demanded Ivy, the man was about to answer when Ivy turned her neck and bit his arm, then lifted her leg up and brought her heel down hard on his right foot toes. The man screamed and let go of Ivy, she ran into the washroom and locked the door.
“******** wench bit me!” he screamed holding his arm, then walked over to the door, then turned to Billy,
“Get outside and close off the window, forget about the blonde i'll hold onto her” Billy let go of Alice, then pushed her over to the man who Ivy bit. Alice prayed Ivy would make it, but soon she heard a scream. The door opened and Billy was seen holding Ivy by her hair. She screamed in pain for it held it tightly and kept yanking it roughly.
“Ivy,” murmurred Alice sadly, the man with black hair looked down at the mousy Alice,
“Oh so the wench's name is Ivy lovely, and you are?” he asked Alice, she didn't answer and instead turned away from him.
“Grumpy today are we, well i'm Derek, that's Billy, you already met my Son Christain,” he said smiling. Alice's eyes widened both Derek and Billy were the names on the newspaper, she realized who they were and let out a sob, she wasn't going to be home for her birthday after all. Derek glanced down at her,
“Oh stop that, if you're a good girl maybe you could join us” he said smiling, then turned and glared at Ivy, who growled angrily at him.
“But you i'm not to sure about you, you're kind of a b***h,” he said then changed his grip on Alice. He pulled her up and bit and closer and wrapped his muscular arm around her stomach, she gagged slightly, having being tugged too hard. Derek looked at her then chuckled, glancing from his terrified son to her.
“You two are the perfect couple,” he exclaimed pulled Alice over to Christian, and threw her into him. Alice wasn't sure what to do but on instinct grabbed onto him, he hesitated then held her. Derek backed away slightly and laughed glancing back at Billy momentarily,
“See, the perfect couple,” he said with a laugh then grabbed Alice and yanked her away again, holding her around the waist again.
“Billy grab the bags, we have to leave,” said Derek still holding Alice tightly then grabbed a duffle bag from the corner and put it over his empty shoulder. Alice was amazed at his strength, he was much too powerful more her.
Soon Ivy and Alice found themselves in the back of a large black truck with Derek, Ivy had been tied up with rope around her wrists holding them behind her back and one on her neck tied to the seat and one more on her feet. Alice was simply held tightly by Derek, Christain sat in the front passenger seat, and Billy in the drivers seat. The truck roared to life and they pulled away from the motel, they soon were on the road. Derek smiled down at Alice wickedly, he reached out and stroked her cheek,
“Christian my boy you are brilliant, these two are the best catch yet, and even better my son handed them off to me” he laughed. Christian glanced up in the mirror at Alice with sad eyes as if to say sorry. Alice nodded slightly, and tried to smile but ended up beginning to cry. Derek rubbed his forehead with his free hand,
“Oh would you stop that, there's no need to cry you'll have a much better life with us. You'll get action, money and much much more” he said the last part quietly, almost whispering it. Alice then tried her best to stop crying and succeded, she glanced over at Ivy who was exhausted, she had given one hell of a fight when they tried to tie her up. They eventually knocked her out, she now had a bump on her forhead and a small cut, crimson blood trickled down her cheek slowly dripping onto the seat. She blinked slowly sometimes appearing to be sleeping, Alice turned away and looked out the window. She was thinking about how she could get them out of this mess, even though it wasn't her that got them into it, she would do everything in her power to get them out of it. Alice glanced down at the door, tehy had forgotten to lock the doors, she wasn't planning on diving out though there had to be something better that that. She looked around more and sighed heavily there wasn't anything else. Alice looked up at the mirror and saw Christian looking back, she moved her head gesturing to Billy and trying to make it clear that he had to take control of the vehicle and help them. Christian nodded slightly then glanced at Billy, who smiled at him then turned back to the road. Alice then turned to Ivy trying to warn her that it might get bumpy, she looked back at Christian and nodded, then braced herself. Christian dove for the wheel and tryed to shove Billy out of the way. Derek started yelling, then Billy as he tried to hold onto the wheel, the truck zoomed off the road. Alice screamed, as the trucked hit a large tree and started rolling down the hill. Everyone was tossed around, glass shattered and fell onto them. Soon the truck came to a sudden stop, Alice groaned loudly and pulled herself out through a window. She screamed as she crawled over the glass, it dug into her skin. Her once golden hair was streaked with blood, she reached out and held onto a large rock and pulled herself up slowly.
“I-Ivy?” she called out weakly looking at the truck hopefully, then she remembered she had been tried in. She cursed under her breath then moved as fast as she could back to the truck and went over to Ivy's side and pulled the door open carefully, the truck had stopped upside down. She looked inside and gasped Ivy was still tied in and was gasping for breath the rope on her neck had tightened.
“s**t,” she pulled despretly at the rope but it was stuck, she looked around and grabbed a shard of glass and took a deep breath the carefully cut the rope. It finally fell from Ivy's neck, she took a deep breath and gasped for more. Alice continued cutting the rope, the glass began to dig into her skin as she cut more. Finally Ivy was free, Alice pulled her out onto the grass, Ivy coughed the spoke in a raspy voice.
“Alice leave me, go get help ok” she said as Alice pulled her up so she was leaning against a tree. Alice shook her head,
“No Ivy i won't leave you here, i can't leave you here” she said starting to sob. Ivy reached out and held Alice's hand,
“Please Alice, you can make it if you run, i can't” Alice looked up more glass broke as a very angry bloody Derek pulled himself out of the truck.
Chapter Four
A Summer Nightmare
Ivy tried to push Alice away but she held on tightly, she knew it wasn't the right choice but she couldn't leave Ivy with these creeps. Derek stood up slowly blood trickled down his face from a gash in his forehead, he started to laugh,
“I guess you aren't the quiet mousy one” he said glaring at Alice,
“You were waiting for your chance, I don't think i like either of you, you both piss me off” he growled moving closer to them. As he spoke Billy pulled himself out of the car then pulled Christian out unwillingly, Christian had a large cut on his upper arm. Billy ripped his shirt and tied the piece of fabric around the cut to stop the bleeding. Christian glanced at Alice, Derek turned and glared at Christian tehn stomped over to him.
“What the hell's wrong with you!” he screamed at him then dragged him over to Alice.
“Billy do what you please with Ivy” he said then grabbed Alice in his other hand and pushed her down on her back. He grabbed her hair and held her down, she screamed.
“Christian, be a man!” he ordered to his son then grabbed his hand when Christian just sat there. Alice heard Ivy screaming near her and Billy laughing. Alice feared for the worst, she struggled but couldn't move. Derek pressed Christians hand roughly against Alice's breast, Christian breathed hard and pulled away from his dad gasping. He backed up against a tree with wide eyes he looked away. Derek chuckled,
“You wussy, fine if you won't do it then i will, i'll show you how it's done” he murmurred rather loudly. Then turned to Alice and smiled wickedly.
Alice breathed hard, she felt sick as she slowly sat up she pulled her shorts up and zipped them back up slowly. He had taken her innocence. She bent over holding her stomach and gagged violently, she still heard Ivy's screams she couldn't bare to look. Alice then looked up at Christian who had pulled his knees up to his chest, and had wide eyes. He looked at her for a short time then turned away.
Summer Nightmare (Long)
My book, yes mine >:3
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