- Only a few people in here, not enough to fill a room. Everyone of them is dead quiet, brain dead from doing so much work. The teachers give us so much work, when it all adds up, you could fill a crater on the moon! Me? I could patch up the hole in the ozone layer with the stuff I was doing rather than the stuff I was assigned to. Classrooms are all the same settings. Teacher warbling on and on. Some fast and happy; cheerful like a chipmunk on speed. Some just slow and distorted; as the adults on the old Peanuts cartoons. Atrocious air-conditioner hummin and hissing; make more sense than the teachers. Parent cry most of the time when their child starts school. People say it's because they're growing up. It's a mask; the true reason is because now their precious baby's getting tortured. Being smart isn't easy; becoming smart hurts. When the offspring graduates, once again, mommies and daddies cry. Using the same mask; "Oh, it's growing up." But we know the truth. "Oh, it's getting smarter than us now." The scratching of pencils, the squeak of marker, clacking of calculators, when will it ever end?! Oh, the humanity!!! High school sweethearts,Prom queen, home-coming queen, captain of the cheerleaders. Jock, prom king, quarterback. All of it repeating over and over! High school, when you are truly tagged before you're bagged. Thoughts of depravity and martyrs. They make the dress code so they can give you more orders. Wear this, don't wear that! They do this because they want clones. Smart clones that all look the same so they don't look racist or sexist. One untucked shirt: "Get over here! What do you think you're doing?!" Like the kid's trying to diffuse a bomb or something. Pink highlights on looser women; they're blind. Pink highlights on the quieter one; Code Red: Free Thinker!!! majority of the students are cellophane. Gargoyle of a boss, body of a walrus. Looks like a wanna-be sidekick for Walker:Texas Ranger, that was thrown in a blender. We'll teach you Trig. so you can work at McDonald's! PreCal for your job at dollat general! They don't give you what you need for your dream job; they give you what you need for jobs right next door. The shame has spoken!
- by adirtyshame |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/26/2009 |
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- Title: Code Red: Free Thinker
- Artist: adirtyshame
- Description: I really didn't feel like doing Algebra this morning. So i just wrote just my settings and then i just started twisting into a weird feeling.
- Date: 08/26/2009
- Tags: code free thinker
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