Once there was a man who lived at the circus as a clown. He had friends who addored his act and inspired him to perform his secret move. He was so happy to have inspiration that he agreed. Then the big show came and it was his act next. He had praticed for weeks and weeks and the moment finally came when the anouncer said '' Well ladies and gentelmen we have a great show for you tonight. Our most talented clown Red Shoes is performing tonight his secret most outsanding act. " Then Red shoes walked out and started to perform his act and the crowd was shocked with horror. Then Red said " You all are gonna die Laughing" The crowd never have seen anything like it and started to boo. And throw stuff at him. Red was hert and hated his friends cause he thought they lied to him just so they could see him make a fool of himself. He yelled " I will have revenge on your kids for your faults!!! I will be back on there favorite most terrorfying day of the year.... Halloween." after that show no one ever heard from him again. Then Halloween came and kids were shrieking with joy as they went to houses getting candy and treats. Then there was always a kid went alone. That kid was the victim. As the kid made his next voyage to another nieborhood he heard a voice saying " Hey Kid come over here want to here a joke. The kid thought it was a harmless joke nothing to get scared about but he was wrong. He walked over to the man to hear the joke. The man was dressed in black had two knives and was a cLoWn. The man was wearing a mask then desgised his voice. Then the man told the joke. The kid began laughing and laughing, harder and harder. Then the man took of his mask and said in a very scary voice " your gonna die Laughing" Thats why 20 to 30 kids die every year from not breathing. Remember kids Dont listen to Red..................
Your Gonna die laughing
xX Jigsaw Killer Xx
clowns arent that funny
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