There was me, my sister, and my parents. We drove from Florida, to Texas. A long trip!
My parents had decided that we would all go to Texas for Spring Break. We thought that was a good idea, because we wanted to meet mom's friends that she met last month. We were VERY excited. When we got there, mom's friends met us at the door and offered to bring our stuff in. The two boys were the greatest gentlemen you could ever meet! I knew that I was going to enjoy my time here VERY much.
When we got inside the house, names were exchanged, and handshakes were made. And also, a very strong friendship was made between me and the family. I fell in love with their ways and how they cherished the Lord so much! They meant a lot to me.
After that day, we had TONS of fun. The youngest, the little girl, liked us a lot and liked to hang out with us. The two boys were pretty happy to have guests at the house, and they were REAL gentlemen (as I have already said). But the next days we were there, we went to shops, and we went horse-back riding, and we did all KINDS of stuff! Oh! My dad also made eggs benedict for them, and their mom asked for the recipe. It was happy to see their gleaming faces as they ate the breakfast. It made me smile.
The next day, the boys taught me and my sister how to swordfight, and how to make it look like we are punching and slapping each other when we really aren't. They said that we were naturals! The youngest boy was first to teach me swordfighting, and the eldest taught me to punch and slap and all that. It was SO MUCH FUN! (By the way, when we got home for our birthdays, mom and dad got me and my sister shinai's! Those are swords made from bamboo.) We practiced a lot!
We also went a swordfighting class where we met a ton of friends! Lots of boys and girls welcomed me and my sister as if we were family. I really felt like I fit in! It made my heart want to BURST! I absolutely loved it there. Everyone was so kind and caring, and none of them made fun and scoffed at anyone. Kindness was spread throughout this Christian love! They knew that it was the right thing to pay attention to the good, and not the bad. This goodness would make anyone feel welcome! Especially me.
After those five days at their house, we went off to Dallas to go to this thing my mom had to go to. She writes books! Like, the princess and the kiss, the squire and the scroll, and other books. But those last two days were the hardest days of my life. I knew that after these days were over, I had to leave them, and I wouldn't see them for another... Three months or so! I cried the last day. The family or any of our friends didn't even know that I felt so horrid that we were leaving. I cared a lot about everyone there. I really enjoyed it. With two simple words... we left.
When we got home, I was on my bed crying. But my sister and parents reminded me that we would be back, even if it would be a few months or so. But I still mourned. I know that it is sorta stupid to cry over leaving, but I still really loved it there. I felt like I belonged! And by the way, this is not fiction. This is the story, of the best spring break of my entire life! And I am glad that I spent it that way.
Thanks for listening to my story. I hope I can listen to yours. biggrin
Going to Texas
Captain Christine-Daae
Me going to Texas and meeting friends
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