• in a girl dream, she found her self walking in a maze that full of doors,she doesn't know where to go untill a stranger ask her "what's your name?" the girl didn't answer ignoring the stranger question and continue to walk not knowing where to go....hours later she found her self in the dark corner of the maze and saw her self reaching for something...something in that door towards unto right that seemed never existed afterwards she opened the door there she saw all the desires and all of her wishes.....she stay there for so long untill suddenly all the things that she see and touched gone then there is this stranger again and asked " where are you going?" again she didn't answer and walk and walk moment by moment slowly the clutch of tiredness conquered her untill she find her self at the top of the maze there a face of a man she really love so much appear and said "are you happy?" it was then that she realize that there are tears falling in her eyes because she entered the dream that she always hope for and that it is all in her hands but lose it cause she never knew it was there.....she never knew that it exist....this unknown dream that she once had....

    a Quote once said:

    the worst way to miss something is having them right there by your side and knowing that no matter what happen
    YOU can NEVER have them....