The Day They Saw Me…
YAWN!!! Life was becoming harder and harder these days… In order to eat I would have to wake up each morning, high tail my big, furry, mouse butt through the hole in the cabinet, and sneak around containers of dog food, borrow myself through the small hole I had dug in the Milk Bone box and snatch a treat. Then, finally! I could stuff my face till I had to scurry back to the back of the cabinet when one of the two humans would open the door to find Milk Bones half gone, scarred by little mousy teeth. Oh, yummy delicious Milk Bone Dog Treats. Why are you so addicting? Thankfully the cat who roamed the house couldn’t care less about the missing Dog Treats. As long as I didn’t grab any of his treats in the process. Oh yeah, and catnip was totally off limits.
My tummy growled. I slowly made my way towards the dog treats. Time for lunch, I decided. The humans were eating there lunch too. As I climbed into the dog treat box, And as I grabbed one of the delicious, red Milk Bone treats, the box lunged forward, hitting the cabinet door in a BOOM! I tried again. BOOM! Knowing that the humans would have heard that I scurried out of the box. I hurdled onto the second shelf just as the younger of the two female humans opened the door, exposing me to their curious eyes. I stould there not knowing what to do. I was busted, caught red pawed, trapped into there memory as The Dog Treat Stealing Mouse! The only word that could come to mind was: CRAP!!!!!!!
The older of the females saw me first. Laughing she beckoned the other to look at me and my “cute-ness” as the teenager put it. After looking at the strange creatures known for their extraordinary talent of making delicious food, I ran back behind the little green bowls used for tuna juice to give the large, pampered cat when they made tuna salad. Shortly afterward, my stomach still growling angrily, I sneaked back towards the Dog Treats. I had become addicted to them as a cat does to catnip, a horse to sugar, a human to nicotine of cocaine. I was HOOKED. Again the box slammed into the cupboard door. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
This time I wasn’t fast enough. When the young female opened the cabinet I was there near the door. My tail just barely out of the box. I turned around as fast as I could and raced toward the back of my cafeteria filled with multi-colored goodies. The teenager gave out a small eek! Surprised to find me so close to the door. She must’ve thought I was smarter then that. I thought I was smarter then that. Apparently not. They went to fetch the cat as I caught my breath. I knew it was no use. The cat had lost all interest in hunting of late. He had become lazy and spoiled. He had become sensitive to the feelings of smaller, less significant animals such as myself. Later the youngest began clearing out the cabinet. Leaving yours truly caught with no where to go. The hole back into the garage was in between the cabinet and the silverware drawer above it. I was still on the bottom shelf. I didn’t have time to get out. What am I supposed to do? I asked myself, petrified. Just as the females long fingers grasped the bags of bird food I leaped toward the outside. I raced across her other hand, which had been laying upon the bottom of the cupboard, and out into the spacious kitchen. Seeing the cat, who had already seen me and fuzzed up, I ran underneath the stove.
It was underneath the stove that I waited until the opportune time to sneak back into the cupboard, through the hole that lead into the garage, and back to my cozy little place amongst the numerous boxes and storage tubs. While I waited I witnessed the humans place my beloved dog biscuits into an old coffee container made of plastic - which, as you should’ve realized by now, was impossible for my to open - and then place everything back into the cabinet. Concluding this interesting turn of events by closing the cabinet door. I am sure that later in the evening they heard a little field mouse - yours truly - open the cabinet door as quietly as possible (another BOOM!) and return to the garage. As I drifted off to sleep that night I heard my large mouse tummy grumble…
The Day They Saw Me...
This is actually based on true events that took place a few days ago. It's s'posed to be cute and funny. A break from all depressing and sureal. Hope you enjoy!
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