This is the greatest country in the world! No more uemployment, no more inflation, no more workers on strike, no more violence in the streets. My father says big government is to blame for our problems. And the Jews, the blacks, the homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped. Rats are the lowest form of animal, and Jews are the lowest form of mankind. If we could get rid of the Jews, the world would be a better place. That is what the Fuhor says... and " Heil Hitler!"
We say "heil Hiltler" if we meet a friend on the way to school. We say "heil Hitler" at the beginning and end of every class. The postman says "heil Hitler!" The woman who sells us groceries says heil Hitler! If our parents don't say "heil hitler," we are suppossed to report them so that they will be arrested.
I promise at all times to do my duty for the Fuhor, so help me God! November 9th, 1938. Germany needs you! Heil Hitler!
After I have been promoted in my unit to the Hitler Youth, our leaders give me a little bunny and they tell me to keep the bunny with me day and night, feed it and care for it, to make it my responsibility! As the Fuhor has said, we will be one people, one nation. And the Youth? We are going to be that people and that nation! Heil Hitler!
After I had had the bunny with me for about 6 months, after I had kept it with me day and night, fed it and cared for it... loved it... we are told to report to a unit meeting and to bring our bunnys. Our leaders welcolmed us. They praised us. They told us we were the future of Germany... And then they ordered us to take our bunnys... They ordered us to strangle our bunnys... they told us if we didn't do it, we'd never be chosen, we'd never be SS, we'd never be real Germans! I promised at all times to do my duty for the Fuhor, so help me God... I did it. I did what I was told. I strangled my bunny. An order is an order... Yes? I have been a member of the Nazi Youth group since I was 7. I will fight in Germany's total war! It is win or die for Germany! Heil Hitler!
On April 30th, 1945, Adolph Hitler Committed suicide. Then Germany surrendered. And we lost. We've lost so much...
Over 6,000,000 Jews died in the Holocaust... I was following orders! Over 6,000,000 Jews died in the Holocaust... I promised at all times to do my duty for the Fuhor... so help me God...
That of Hitler Youth
Malady Angel
okay, so this is set in the late 30s, early 40s, in Germany, from the point of vue of a boy in his erly 20s or so. It IS about the Holocaust, so i entered it in non-fiction... i hope thats right...
anyway, i hope you like it! ^^ (it took me forever)
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