Time−grows in height only when it isn’t necessary. Time−shrinks in height rapidly when you call for it the most. My time has disintegrated. All my thoughts are blank−blank as a novel with no pages−pages with no words−words with no letters. My palms heavy with repent. The sweat that drips previous mistakes−the mistakes of procrastinating. No, not even, for procrastination is far better than what I have committed. For what I committed was nothing. Doing nothing when something should be done is always more vulgar.
The blurred voice of my teacher lingers in the air, which is difficult to inhale. As much as I try to understand the sound exiting her lips, I can’t. The nervousness has concealed me in a cage−a cage with no exits, no escape. I hear the echoing sound of papers−papers that slam so loudly, I couldn’t feel nor think just sit and watch. The view made me feel uneasy, and without hesitation I sneaked all the answers to my problems into my soft jacket. A sheet of paper finally falls making its way towards my wooden desk, and lays there staring, waiting to be completed.
The blurring finally dwindles away and then a loud voice startled me “BEGIN”−begin as if lightning were to strike and I were hit by its furry. Time stopped and then started. My sweat escaped into my pencil as if the pencil were to absorb my sin yet the sins could not be erased from my mind. I can finally feel−feel my heart pound. I snuck the answers out from my jacket and placed it under the test−the test waiting to be completed. My surroundings were uncertain, unprepared, but I−I conquered. I was on a race against time. The hawk was seated. For once it did not hunt the cheaters.
The paper’s wait was over for it was completed. Success was running through my mind and kept replaying. A sigh of relief overpowered me while the others still trembled. I stood up−proud−proud of the heroic crime I had committed in order to save myself. As I handed the paper to the hawk I was reassured. However, I was a fool−a fool who became the hawk’s first prey. Her high pitched call yearned for my name. What grave mistake I had committed! As much as I tried to win I still lost. What kind of fool forgets to wash the dirt of his hands? The answers to all my problems just became my greatest fear, as it layed under the test, and over the teacher’s palms. Time−my time has ended. The winner of the race was time, and the looser will always be us. exclaim 3nodding

Comments (3 Comments)
- mikan27 - 01/15/2011
- yeah! for me, cheating is not challenging. well, at least the girl in the story realized what she was doing and people like her will not be called a loser. thumbs up for her!
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- garudo06 - 07/30/2010
- I did cheat when I was in 2nd grade.
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- attack of the mochi - 11/14/2009
- Nice! Lol i like it
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