High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- high school past by XxX_S3Xii_MAMii_XxX
- high school past is about a movie that sponsored Matthew and alot of things happen to him to make him 17 again
- split pants tragidy by Absolutely Ariana
- in school....
- Accident by heppi_blood
- My first kiss is.....
- Harsh Times by Naruto_Uzumaki_702
- Harsh times and how to prevent them
- High School Muscial Flashback by sweatstar
- Zac Efron should be staring in these kind of films
- high school embaressment by lydsss
- year 7 camp... what a disaster
- :) by lil mis cloe22
- ssssssssss
- Pep-Rally not so Peppy... by tlee1000
- Most Embarrasing day of my Life occurs at a Pep-Rally.
- xD by 1-Lestat-1
- I was with my brother....
- Oh meh gawd by JakXkid2
- .... Worst first day ever
- Theatre Class Disaster... by Captain Cockblock
- My freshman year I was assigned to do a Shakespeare monologue for Theatre...
- hyskul lyf by Sooner is Bitches
- i miz u hyskul lyf
- Over night. by l_hoops10-
- This is a true story about me and my two friends Zora and Lynn being stuck in school.
- High school saved my life by vegghead4life
- My names Oscar Lobos i am a sophomore in high school. I'm very active in community charity and play productions. This is my high school story
- Flash anyone? by II Ezio II
- this didn't happen to me, but it happened to my bestfriend, and its really funny so i wanted to share it with everyone :3
- Bomb on locker by zackd89
- aciddent
- My worst moment by rawr_i_bitez
- ok so it was the 6th period of the day and i was just hanging out in the hallway. I got lunch detention i dont know why but the teachers are mad old and mean. So I was walking then the bell rang and a WHOLE bunch of kids go run...