Conard Field. Typical town, in the middle of no where, surrounded by nothing by trees and everything nature. A good place to have your romantic forest scenes, or just another dumb horror flick. I guess the isolation is why my mom decided to move us here. Her divorce was okay, but it's my "step-monster" who's calling all the shots here. Him being a control freak and from the military doesn't mix well. Forcing me do leave my life, and not even think about what I think really makes the 'monster' part of his name stand out.
My name is Jasper, and no I'm not any form of a ghost, or will I show any bit of kindness to anyone unless they diverse it. And like I said, I was completely against this whole move. I had to leave my only two friends Jake and Liz, who both I wish where my actual family. We'd do our usual stuff which went as far from spray tagging the canals of the city, or even just hanging out at the arcade. They both had my back whenever it came to the jocks who where always on our case, or when trying to run away from the police. Sure, I sound like one of the deviant children your parents warn you about, but hey, I have dreams too! All of which where shattered when my mom remarried that dictator.
My mom, Kathy, is a sweetheart. She always went out of her way to help someone else. She would always make sure that I wasn't getting into too much trouble, that she didn't know of. But most importantly she would always tell you to make the most of whatever you do, which is why I think I should have lived up to that more. But don't let that all fool you, when she has to fight, she wont back down. But she'll only fight for what seems right for her. But now with the new edition to the family, seems like all he says is what she's thinking. Louis, the monster, is a tall guy with some scars across his face which doesn't make him any more approachable. I mean the only reason why we moved was for him to still 'work for the system' and 'serve his country'. He's in a lot of denial though. From big military head or whatever to small town police chief. I mean yes, the change is weird, but I'm sure it's nothing that big.
Day one into the move and our house is in what looks like a typical neighborhood, something I'm not used to seeing since we came from the city. I mean, don't get me wrong, but it just seems like all the houses could be hiding a ton of corpses under the foundations. And the backyard of the house, was literally the forest that led to nothing but a cliff that would probably result to your death. I have to admit though, the house was a lot more spacious than the two bedroom apartment back in the city.
My mom thought it would be a good idea to check out the town while the monster went to be greeted in his new office, and I though; "Sure! Let's parade as the new family in town with the typical teen who got everything from Hot Topic and the mom that supports anything! It's not like we'll be ridiculed right away, no!" Still I thought of this while marching to the car.
The town didn't look old, well, not THAT old. As if I was walking through a Stephen King book, the place just looked completely average. A line of different shops that stretched from one end of the block to the other, a theater that looked like it opened when the first Friday The 13th movie came out, the classic looking town hall overlooking the whole area, and a large park in the center holing everything together. Yeah there where even more establishments all around, but this is all I got to see since I kept spacing out during the car ride there.
"Here's $20 Jasper. Go a head and look around, I'm going to get groceries for the week." My mom said. "Be back in an hour okay?" She then made her way to what seemed like the only large grocery store in the whole town. Just then I saw other people trading looks at each other when she walked right in. "Here we go." I said under my breath. I made my way too the closest convenient store which was just down the road. I'm used to people staring at me because of what I choose to wear in public. For them I look like I have so many issues to deal with, but for me it's like Halloween every day. Inside the store there was what you'd expect in any convenient store. I just grabbed a Pepsi and went to the register. There was another teen, around my age or older, just standing there reading "Metal Monthly", a magazine I read too about the hottest bands out there. She had white silk hair that ran to her back, 'snake bite' piercings, and so many band bracelets covering her left wrist. When I got up she looked straight at me. Her blue cold eyes felt like they where piercing through mine. "So, you must be the new kid here." She said putting the magazine down. "Yeah." I said, hoping not to get a bad first impression.
"So," She replied, "What's your story?"
"Mom divorced, step dad is a monster who got a new job, forcing us to relocate. The usual broken family story."
"Ah, the classic." She said scanning the drink.
I gave her $5 for the drink and right before she could ring out the drink, this homeless looking hobo just barged right in. "The time is now!" He shouted. "When day become night! Creatures will crawl among us and rule the land like they have!" I just starred at the chick at the register as she calmly went for the broom right beside her. "Give me a sec." She said in an annoyed tone. She started flailing the broom and the man shouting, "Get out Bruce! This is the third time this week!" Struggling to say one last line, he said "Our land needs the Slayers! They must protect us like they always have!" Right when he stepped out, he looked right at me and looked like he saw a ghost. No surprise there to be honest, I get that a lot. But he then looked, happy. That was the weird part. Then right after he just took off. "Sorry about that." the cashier said with a sigh. "He knows he's not allowed to to that anymore."
"What was he talking about? Something about 'Slayers'?"
"Oh, yeah. Just the old town folklore about a group of special people who protected the land when our forefathers came to settle here."
"Protect the people from what?"
"Don't laugh okay?" She said looking like I was about to offend her. "This land was plagued with monsters."
"Monsters?" I said raising my eyebrow.
"Yeah, like, Werewolves and Vampires and stuff like that."
"Oh, wow. Now that's some history."
"Yeah, but it's not going to make our town any famous any time soon. You can check out the history of the place at the local library. Just down a couple of blocks." She said hanging me my change. "Thanks. I don't have anything to do so I might just check it out." I said putting my wallet back in my pocket."
"Hey! Since you don't have much to do and you're new here, how about working part time here?" She said with a mellow vibe. "Piercings are okay here, you get free drinks, and I'm sure you'll be able to meet a few people around here."
"Sure. I mean, a little extra money wouldn't hurt."
"Here, let me give you my number. I'll call you when we're good to have an interview with you." She said as we exchanged phones. "And I mean, all we're going to do is ask you typical things like your name and such." She continued with. She handed back my phone and I hers. "My name is Kat by the way." She said with a smile.
"I'm Jasper." I said with a smile too.
"I'll see you around Jasper." She said as I was leaving.
Outside you could still hear Bruce shouting from the distance in another store, but his tone seemed a bit more cheerful. I didn't bother myself to know why. I continued to walk around the town and saw out of all the generic stores, a little pawn shot with some bizarre item displayed. I was about to head in when my mom called me. "Jasper, where are you?" She said in her usual tone of voice.
"I'm just walking around mom. Are we leaving?"
"Yes, Louis is ready to head home now."
"Great." I thought. "The monster is joining us for a car ride."
"Jas, just remember, he's giving us the opportunity to start fresh again, as a new family."
"Yes mom. I'll be right there." I didn't want to argue with her because I knew he would just pop out of no where and start demanding more respect.
Back at the grocery store parking lot, there was a police 4X4 parked next to us. I saw my mom and the monster standing with another man in uniform by the cars. "Jasper!" Louis shouted. "Come meet my buddy from the ranks!" I was walking with so much hesitation because it's not like I need any more enforcement in my life.
"Hello sir." I said, shaking the other man's hand.
"Hello there Jasper!" He said with some sort of excitement, like he's happy to meet the family of his new boss. The adults starting talking more about typical things, like asking how the move was, driving for countless hours to the middle of a forest, that kind of stuff. The guy in the uniform looked at me again. "I have a son too!" He said to Louis. "About the same age as you Jasper. You guys should 'Hang'!" I got the worst taste in my mouth. Hearing an adult trying to be 'age appropriate' is just always disgusting. "Sure. I guess." I said just trying to get them to change the topic. "Well, I'll head back to the station." The man said. "It was nice meeting all of you!" He shook hands with everyone and then drove off in the 4X4. The wrest of us got into the car and headed back home.
During dinner, it seemed very awkward. Eating in an empty dinning room, on a cheep pull-out table, with cheep matching plastic chairs.
"So," My mom started, "How does the town look?"
"It was alright. Seems pretty old."
"With age, this town should hold a lot of history." Louis answered.
"So I was told." I said.
Right after I finished eating I headed straight to what was supposed to be my room. Still empty with nothing but a sleeping bag, a table lamp on the floor next to it, and my bags with all the stuff I tried to fit in it. One of the windows facing the forest in the back was just wide open letting all the cold air in. I looked out of it, trying to settle myself, and as I started to doze off I saw these two lights that looked like eyes at the foot of the forest wall just starring at me. I slowly went down from the window and then rushed to the kitchen to hit the lights and check out the back door if whatever was there still there, but like any cliche, it was gone. I went back to my room and just closed the window and tried to sleep. Before I slept, I just kept reminding myself that tomorrow, is just another boring day at a new town. I wondered, what could the history of this place be? Maybe so witch craft? Beasts? And those, Slayers. That word kept ringing in my head for some reason, I didn't know why. Then the next thing I knew, I passed out.

- Title: Teen Slayer (Reboot)
- Artist: Goth3412
I've been putting off my writing for so long, and I guess it's time to just redo everything. I'm trying a reboot of my old little 'series' if you can call that, but after rereading it all I saw a whole lot of inconsistency with it and, well, I just want to start the thing all up again. Advance sorry that this is really long.
With this story, I would just want to get the setting out there so you all (those who are reading) can get a feel of the beginning vibe. I hope you all enjoy! - Date: 10/24/2016
- Tags: teen slayer reboot
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