“Hey! Angel! It’s great to see you, and as always bringing us some pizza how very sweet of you. I gushed. Oh how I love Angel. He had high check bones, muscles and blue eyes and dyed blue hair. He was the perfect guy any girl would want, unfortunately for me he’s gay so no fun for me, doesn’t mean i cant look though. I glanced to see a bright blush come across Toby’s face,’Aw.’ i though to my self and giggled. “Nice to see you to Anaya, who’s this?” Angel asked as he handed me the pizzas. “This is my cousin Toby, he’s living with us now.” I said and nudged Toby forward with my but. Toby’s face was a bright red, and he looked incredibly nervous, ‘Damn Eric you’re such a butt.’ I thought as walked over to the coffee table. I listened closely to their conversation.
“So when did you start living with Anaya and Eric?” Angel asked.
“Um.. t-today actually.” Toby stuttered, i watched as Toby nervously handed Angel the money.
“Thats really cool. How old are you?” Angel asked.
“Um.. Nineteen actually, I’m pretty young i know. H-how old are you?” Toby asked. “Twenty-three.” Angel said. “Woah really? You don’t look like your Twenty i thought you where like eighteen or something.” Toby gushed. “Nope, haha. Well i better be getting back.” Angel said handing Toby the change. “Oh,” Toby said he genuinely sounded upset. I guess Angel picked up on this and said “Hey don’t sweat it, you’ll see me again. Trust me these guys buy so much pizza it’s ridiculous. But umm…” I looked over and could see a hint of blush covering Angels cheeks. Angel pulled out a pin and scribbled something on the receipt, before handing it to Toby. Then Angel turned and quickly walked away. “I think Toby’s got an admirer.” Eric whispered. “No, I think Toby has a boyfriend now.” I said. “Ugh! He’s been here 3 hours and already got a partner. But i can’t even get a girl to give me the time of day and i’ve been here 5 years!” Eric shouted grabbing at his hair dramatically, i rolled my eyes. Toby came over and sat with us, looking at the numbers on the receipt. “I don’t understand are these numbers his location?” Toby asked confused. Eric groaned again and face planted into the dusty couch. “No, they’re so you can call him. Though i’d recommend texting, thats how most people communicate.” I explained opening a box of pizza. “Oh, honey siracha, my one true love come to me.” I whispered lovingly and started eating. “Texting?” Toby questioned. “I’ll show you later.” Eric said grabbing a box of pizza for himself, and Toby took the other.
I laid back on the carpet hitting my head against a few boxes and sighed. “That pizza is always so good.” I said putting my arm over my face. “Yeah, it was! It was delicious, I’ve never had something so good in my entire life!” Toby said laughing. “I’m glad your satisfied.” i yawned heavily and sat up. “Well it’s late. Come on Toby, I’ll show you your room.” I picked up a passed out Toka and quietly stood, trying not to wake Eric who had knocked out. Toby followed me down the small hallway to the last door on the left. I opened the door and turned the light on. It was a small room with one window looking out towards central park with a small closet to the right. It was actually the only room in the house that was completely empty. “There’s the normal futon mattress, you know the one you lay on the floor, in the closet along with a pillow and blankets. Later on we can get you a real bed if you want it, but for now that’s all we got.” I said stepping aside to let Toby in. He stood in the middle of the room quietly. “Thank you.” was all he said. “Alright then. I’m going to bed now, my door is the one with the silver handle, if you need me just knock. If i don’t answer go wake Eric.” I said as i shut the door not waiting for a reply.
I sat on the edge of my bed and held the sleeping Toka. “Finally alone.” I whispered and poked Toka’s ear. She twitched, and open one eye. “I knew this was coming she grumbled. “Shut up we gotta talk.” I whispered placing her next to me. “About what?” She asked licking her paws and cleaning her face. “That guy today, he saw my face.” I said laying on my back and staring up at the ceiling. “Yea, I know and he called you pretty.” She said climbing onto my stomach. “You’ve never seen your face right?” Toka asked. “No I haven’t. Only people to ever see my face is Mom, Dad and you.” I said touching my cheek. It was soft. “I think you’re pretty.” Toka said. I smiled. “You only say that because I feed you.” I whispered and lifted her up. “Do you want me to tell you what you look like?” She asked in her small voice. I shook my head. “Mom and Dad said it’s better not to show my face. That’s the last thing they said to me before…” My voice trailed off as i remember that day all to vividly. “Hey, hey it’s okay. I know its hard. Don’t think about it.” Toka said nudging my fingers. I sat up and wiped my eyes. “This is a different world, a better one, the past is done,ok. The future is so much better i promise.” She cooed. I placed Toka on my lap and let her snuggle my stomach. “Thanks Toka.” I said petting her soft golden fur. She took her small head, “Don’t worry about it, now you got deadlines to met remember.” Toka jumped from my lap and situated herself on my pillows. “Yeah, yeah.” I said getting my lap top and opening it; I powered it on before removing the black t-shirt i had over the screen. I worked till my eyes burned. And by then it was 4 am which isn’t good. Mostly because i was incredibly hungry again. So instead of being a normal person and going to the kitchen for food, i decided to eat the month old candy in one of my desk drawers.
I woke up to the sound of loud machine roaring. It scared me so bad i fell out of my bed. “Toka!” I yelled she jumped to me and fused with the fabric of my hoodie, i grabbed a knife i had hidden under my mattress and stormed into the hallway ready to stab somebody, but all i saw was Toby with… the vacuum? We have a vacuum? He smiled and turned the machine off. “Whoa Anaya don’t kill m; i didn’t mean to wake you.” He said holding his hands up in surrender. I lowered the knife feeling stupid. “It’s fine I'm sorry its just rare to here that thing we never really clean at all around here.” I said tossing the knife back into my bedroom. “Oh, I’ve noticed but its okay I'm really good at cleaning. Oh and Eric left a while ago to work, and i left your breakfast in the fridge.” Toby said moving the vacuum. “Oh so he just left?” I asked walking past him. “Just left? He’s been gone for hours.” Toby said, i stopped and turned to him. “Huh?” I was so confused. “Anaya its five in the afternoon.” Toby said taking a phone from his pocket and handed it to me. I turned the phone on and saw first the time it read 5:30 pm. The second thing was a message from Angel, i snickered. “Wait a few things.” I said handing the phone back. “Yeah?” Toby said putting the phone in his back pocket. “How long have you been cleaning?” I asked. “Sense nine this morning.” He said. “Okay, and how did you get a phone, and that shirt.” I said eyeing the Nirvana shirt that looked oddly familiar. “Eric gave me both.” He said. “Do you like it? I don’t know what a Nirvana is but its a nice shirt design.” Toby smiles. “It’s a band they’re actually great.” I said patting him on the shoulder and walking to the living room.
For the first time ever my foot didn’t knock anything over. I looked around and if i didn’t know any better, i would’ve thought i was in the wrong apartment. The place was spotless. “I didn’t know we had a purple rug!” I said overwhelmed. “Yeah, i found it under some pizza boxes.” Toby said dropping himself onto the couch. “It’s cute.” I said walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge. The first thing i saw was a plate neatly wrapped in plastic wrap. I pulled it out and was surprised to see actual pancakes, eggs and sausage, not from a Bojangles box. “Toby? Did you cook all this?” I asked my mouth watering and my stomach rumbling. “Yeah i did. I hope you like it, but i don’t think it’ll be so good reheated.” He said from the living room i heard him turn the TV on. I took the plastic off and placed it in the microwave for three minutes. While i waited i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I stared at the black sheet that hung over the mirror and the temptation to rip it off was growing. I turned the light off and ran into the kitchen just in time to stop the microwave from hitting zero and making that annoying beeping sound. I took the plate and sat at the coffee table that for once was actually see through. I drowned my pancakes in syrup and then cut a big piece shoving it into my mouth. “Holy ********. This is soo good.” I said through a mouth full of pancake. Toby giggled. “Where’d you learn to cook?” I asked. “The maids on the island taught me.” He said, i heard his phone vibrate and then heard the clicking of his fingers on the screen, texting someone back. We sat quietly together only the Tv characters voices filed the air. It felt good. It felt normal. I finished my plate and thanked Toby for the meal, before going into the kitchen to wash the plate.
“So Nirvana, you wanna know who they are?” I asked, Toby when i came back. Toby nodded. “Gimme your phone.” I said holding my hand out to him, he obeyed like a good little doggy. I opened the youtube app and typed a Nirvana song, which just so happened to be Smells Like Teen Spirit. I quickly plugged the phone into the stereo that held up our Tv and put it on full blast. Toby listened intently then was taken aback by the drums rhythm. I started to sway along with the music, keeping a tight hold on my hood then the chorus hit. The apartment shook with the force of the sudden sound of Kurt Cobains voice against the plaster walls, I saw Toby jump and then settle again once the song receded back to the softer side. I danced the entire song, lip syncing and just feeling the Teen spirit. The song was infectious and rebellious and i Loved it. I looked over at Toby he was smiled and got up to sway along with me. He pretended to play the drums and i played guitar we laughed and loved the way the music made us feel. “When the lights out, its less dangerous. Here we are now entertain us, I feel stupid and contagious here we are now entertain us. A mulatto, An albino, A mosquito, my Libido. Yeah!” i sang out letting the song take me away. Then it ended and we laughed. “I love it!” Toby shouted. “Nirvana! Nirvana I love you!” He yelled again pulling on the shirt. “I knew you’d like it.” i laughed, it felt good to laugh it felt normal to laugh. “Oh, Look the Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication.” I played it. That how we spent the next few hours rocking out to rock music, loving the messages they had and the infectious sense of rebellion and looking for something higher. The feelings where something i loved. Something Eric loved, and something Toby was beginning to love.
We collapsed on the floor and laughed at our selves. Filled with the awesome music and rebellion. “Wow these bands are so much better than, the traditional drums, and flute music back on the Island.” Toby said i heard the smile in his voice. “Anything is better than that crap.” I said sitting up. My stomach rumbled. “I want donuts.” I said clutching my stomach. “Whats a donut?” Toby asked. I stared at him for a few seconds then gasped dramatically, making him spring to a straight up position. “What! What is it!?” He asked worried. “Only the second most holy thing in the world!” I said with my best dramatic hurt voice. “Oh no! I’ve offended the gods!” He shrieked completely serious. He bent and placed his head agains the floor. “Please forgive me Gods of donuts!” He cried literal tears chocking his sweet voice. “Oh no, Toby, you’ve committed the greatest sin. But we can fix it.” I said patting his head. Toby raised his eyes, tears swelled there in his golden eyes. “Really?” he croaked. I nodded and scratched his head. “I know just what to do trust me.” i said getting up and pulling on some shoes. “I’ll be back ok. In the mean time, calm down, lock the doors and whatever you do,” I paused for dramatic effect. “Don’t offend the Gods.” Then i slipped out and shut the door. I heard Toby’s little squeal from the other side of the door ,and then his feet running on the carpet, and the door being locked. I giggled as i walked down the hall, down the stairs and out the apartment complex doors.
I walked down the streets suddenly very aware in the New York atmosphere. The thing i liked about New York, no body really pays attention to you. But i hate New York because of the claustrophobic feeling the crowds give you. The happy feeling i had in the apartment evaporated from my body leaving me cold. I pulled the hood farther down my face. “Calm down.” Toka whispered, she was still in relic form, but when she wanted to she could still speak to me. I let a shaky breath past my lips and headed down the street. The sun was setting and the New York air was getting cold. I let my feet carry me to the nearest donut shop. It just so happened to be a Dunkin’ Donuts. I walked in and ordered six chocolate frosted donuts with sprinkles, 6 cinnamon donuts, 8 glazed jelly donuts, 9 eclairs, and 7 Oreo cheesecake square donuts. The man behind the counter just stared at me. “You feeding an army kid?” He asked sarcastically ringing up the order. “No, actually this is a typical Monday night.” I said paying the 40 dollars worth of donuts in cash. He huffed and i stood off to the side as another worker started on my order.
My skin crawled as more people came in; as the rabbit i may sometimes bring luck to others, while luck for myself is quite rare. Soon the place was packed with people. ‘DAMN ALL OF YOU I KNOW THERES LIKE 2 OTHER DONUT SHOPS AROUND CENTRAL PARK YOU a** HOLES’ i shrieked in my head as more and more bodies milled around me. My breathing speed up and i clutched at the fabric around my heart. I felt it thundering underneath my skin. My stomach churned and i felt sick. “Calm down, Anaya, it’s okay.” Toka whispered through my panic. I started picking at my lips and tried to pull my hood lower. “Number 145.” I jumped at the sudden loud voice and looked at my receipt, finally it was mine. As i went up to the counter a hand came down on my shoulder, i whipped around to see a guy. He wore jeans and a Baymax t shirt and a black jacket. He looked oddly familiar. “Hey Anaya!” He said cheerfully. I looked him up and down and for the life of me couldn’t remember who the heck he was. I guess my silence echoed my confusion. “Huh, oh you don't remember me?” He said scratching the back of his head. I shook my head turned and took the donuts waiting at the counter for me, then began to make my way out of the store.
The guy followed. “It’s.. It’s me, Adam. You know the guy you tackled in the park yesterday.” He said as he followed me out into the streets. “oh.” I said, now i remembered him. “Did you need something?” I said and began walking down the street away from the apartment. I didn’t trust this Adam guy. How did he know it was me? How come he remembered me? And how in the hell do I manage to met him again. You never met the same person twice on the streets in New York, unless they’re homeless then maybe. “No, uh, yes, uh…” His voice trailed off. I opened one of the bags and took out a donut. “My handkerchief. You still have it, i didn’t think i’d see you again, so i didn’t care, but you’re here so…” “I don’t have it. Leave” I growled through bites of my donut. Then i felt something. I stopped and Adam stopped to. “Really? Oh that sucks, well maybe if you give me your number we can met up again and…” He paused for a second. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. “Are you okay?” He asked placing a hand on my shoulder. “Anaya, someones following.” Toka whispered. “Did you say something?” Adam Questioned. “Leave now.” I said a little harsher than i meant to,and began to walk faster, grabbing three more donuts and shoving them in my mouth. Adam followed. “Huh? I’m sorry did I say something wrong?” He asked, worried. “No. Get away from me now. Leave. I don’t want anything from you!” I answered curtly with a mouth full of donut. “Please can we talk.” He asked i was jogging now and so was he. I shook my head and ate another donut. “Anaya.” He grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I faced him ready to tell him off, when i saw them. Men in trench coats and black hats. Coming towards me, one had a knife in his hand. “********.” I whispered. “Anaya whats-“ I cut him off by grabbing his hand and sprinting down the side walk. “Hey!” One of the men shouted. “Run!” I shouted dragging Adam. We skirted around people and street venders, down roads and allys, but they where still behind us. And they saw Adam, I couldn’t leave him behind. I lead us down a small ally not even knowing where the hell i was. It was a dead end. Adam heaved clutching his chest. “What…In.. the…” He rasped. “Don’t move rabbit.” I faced the men. “Why the ******** are you after me?” shouted heart hammering sweat dripping off my face. “The golden bunny give it to us.” Said one man his face hidden in the shadows of his hat. “Bunny?” Adam rasped. “Man, ******** you.” I said i grabbed Adam. “Don’t you dare let go of my hand.” I said he nodded his face covered in sweat. I took runners position. One man pulled out a gun and pointed it at me and started firing. With all my force i pushed off the ground forward pulling Adam with me. One, my left foot hit pavement, two, right foot, three, both feet on the pavement, four. Suddenly we where jumping. The silverly blue rays of the jump engulfed us.
- by Brownkittyninja |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/10/2016 |
- Skip

- Title: The Girl With The Golden Bunny
- Artist: Brownkittyninja
Part 3
Anaya is apart of a secret family of members of the Chinese Zodiac, but she doesn't want to be. She is the bunny and while the whole family has special powers, humans wish to capture Anaya to get to her powers. And while Anaya avoids these people easily, what happens when a normal human decides to try and befriend her? Follow Anaya, as she tries to balance the world on her shoulders, while keeping her secret - Date: 06/10/2016
- Tags: girl with golden bunny
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