Tales of Xalthia
Act 2: Shatter of Peace
Chapter 21: Memory Gap
Due to the very long report that Tsuki and his companions gave King Taichi and Queen Emma, it was already dusk. By the time they finished, everyone was sick of talking. Taichi and Emma knew that his report would be very long but they didn't expect it would take almost an entire day to explain it all.
Once they were done, Tsuki looked over at his companions and nodded before facing the royal family, who appeared to be half asleep from the long report. "That just about covers my report, Your Highness" he said.
Taichi rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously a bit. "Wow. I think that was the longest report we've ever had" he said. He was almost overwhelmed himself by the immense length of his report.
Emma felt that they should of entrusted Tsuki with more help since his mission took much longer than it should of been. A three month deployment for just one mission was way too much for a single person to handle even if the person was an elite knight. "It seems like we gravely misjudged the scale of your mission as well as getting other people involved in this. For that, I would like to express my sincerest apologizes" she said, bowing at them.
Tsuki shook his head. "Please, Your Highness, don't apologize for this. No one would of expected things to turn out the way they did. This whole experience has made a huge impact for me. I've made many friends and allies on this journey so despite the unexpected hardships, it was well worth it" he said.
Cheria examined Tsuki's companions and stood up from her chair. "You guys have all fought alongside Tsuki and protected each other, which helped settle my worries that I had for the safety and well-being of someone very important to me. For that, I want to express me gratitude to you all as well" she said, bowing to them.
Lynette shook her head. "Tsuki is one of our friends. It was an honor to fight alongside one of the Royal Eight" she said.
Taichi looked at each one of his companions before looking at Tsuki. "So, now that your report is done, why don't you formally introduce us to your companions who have fought so bravely by your side?" he asked.
Lynette looked at the royal family and tried to act as formal as possible. Since she has no experience with royalty, she has no idea how to act. "My name is Lynette Suzaki. I'm a healer from the town of Crescentia" she said.
Ruko bowed to the royal family. After a moment, he looked back up and kept eye contact with the royal family. "My name is Ruko Keiss, Your Majesty. I'm a martial artist who serves under Commander Alba of Basilwell. I'm currently on a journey to recover something I've lost" he said.
Ramza followed what Ruko did and bowed to the family as well. Being from another country, he had to be careful of what he says and his tone. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ramza Tokatsu. I serve as a mercenary for the royal family of the kingdom of Esseand which lies on the continent of Ersheath" he said.
Taichi's attention almost immediately went to Ramza when he introduced himself and told them who he was. "A mercenary of Esseand, huh? Not just a regular mercenary, but one that serves the royal family. How's the family been doing? I heard they took a severe blow with their recent earthquake" he said, showing concern.
Ramza shook his head. "The family is healthy and active as always. There were a lot of casualties due to the sudden earthquake, but they're managing" he said.
Taichi nodded, sighing with relief. It was news he's been wanting to hear. "That's good to hear. Me and the king have a history together so I've been concerned. Since communication between me and him pose a big risk, I haven't heard from him in a while" he said.
Tsuki nodded as the introductions finished up. He then gave Taichi a brief look. "Your Majesty, how has Nagi been doing? I haven't received any notice on her condition since she arrived here from Prophet Castle" he said. Being back in Eresseas not only gives him a chance to rest, but it gives him a chance to check up on his childhood friend that was held captive by the cult.
Taichi crossed his arms and took a moment to think of what to say. He knew Tsuki would eventually ask about her. "Physically, she only had minor injuries which was surprising, given the circumstances she was living in. However, there was a lot of mental trauma. She endured treatment and sights no one her age should ever see. It was a long, slow recovery process that started immediately after she was admitted into our care but she eventually began healing. Her mental state has stabilized but there's still a lot of trauma in her mind. It will take quite some time before she's able to overcome them. Right now, she is resting in the guest room next to Cheria's room" he said.
Tsuki tilted his head a bit. "Next to Cheria's room? I don't remember there being a guest room up there" he said.
Emma chuckled a bit, looking at Cheria for a moment. "She and Cheria became close friends while you were gone. Since she still hasn't fully recovered, Cheria requested that we move one of the guest rooms to the empty room next to hers. She's worried about Nagi and wanted to keep a close eye on her in case she needed anything" she said.
Cheria looked at her mother for a moment and blushed a bit while looking back at Tsuki and his companions. "Well, she's Tsuki's childhood friend. Since Tsuki was out on his mission, she had no one to talk to or rely on. At that moment, I wanted to do whatever I can to help her" she said.
Tsuki smiled and looked at Chera, bowing at her. "Thank you so much for taking care of her. I appreciate it" he said. He then stood back up and looked at Taichi and Emma. "If you'll excuse me, Your Majesty, I'd like to go see her for myself" he said.
Taichi smiled a bit and nodded. "Understood. You're dismissed. Considering the complications you went through on your mission, I grant you a three day rest period. It's the least we could do" he said.
Tsuki bowed once more at the royal family. "Thank you very much. I'll make use of it indefinitely. Now, please excuse me" he said. He then stood back up straight, turned around and walked towards the exit. After a moment, he walked out of the audience chamber, leaving his companions.
Emma chuckled after he left. "He's changed a lot since he left. However, the bonds he shares with his friends remain true and strong" she said. She then looked at Tsuki's companions. "If you three don't mind, I'd like to learn more about you. You're all welcome to stay until you leave" she said.
Lynette, Ramza and Ruko remained in the audience chamber and used this time to learn more about the royal family and whatever they needed to know before they left Eresseas the following morning. As they talked, Tsuki made his way through the castle until he reached the area where Cheria's room was. As soon stopped at the door that was next to Cheria's room.
Tsuki stood outside the door for a moment. He took several deep breaths before knocking on the door. "Nagi? Are you awake" he asked.
After waiting for a moment with no response, he slowly opened the door to a darkened room. The lights were off and the curtains in front of the window were shut. He slowly stepped inside, gently closing the door behind him. He saw that Nagi was fast asleep in the bed by the window. He then quietly approached her and slowly sat down on the edge of the bed.
Tsuki examined her closely and noticed that she was wearing a red and white nightgown. He recognized it as one of Cheria's nightgowns. She looked peaceful when she was fast asleep without having to worry about someone trying to do her harm. "Nagi..." he said quietly. He gently brushed the hair out of her face as he started to have flashbacks of his past.
In his flashbacks, he had brief flashbacks of his childhood. In those flashbacks from his childhood, he was playing and laughing with who appeared to be Nagi when she was also a kid, a girl who looked like she could be Tsuki's sister and the gruesome memories of his childhood home burning down in a sea of flames. He was soon brought back to reality when he heard Nagi groaning in her sleep.
Tsuki gently nudged her shoulder, trying to wake her up. "Hey, wake up, sleepyhead" he said.
Nagi slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them as she groaned softly. When she was somewhat awake, she saw that Tsuki was sitting next to her. At first, she thought she was dreaming. "Tsu...? Don't tell me this is another dream..." he said, still half-asleep.
Tsuki chuckled a bit, took his hand and gently tapped her cheek to show her that she was awake. "No, you're very much awake. I've returned from my mission" he said.
Nagi blinked a few times after he tapped her cheek. She rubbed her eyes once more then reached out and touched his arm. Once she did that, she knew that she was awake. She gave him a soft smile as her eyes watered a bit from seeing her childhood friend again. "I'm so relieved to see you back safely" she said. She then sat up and hugged Tsuki.
Tsuki hugged her back, taking his hand and gently petting the back of her head. "I'm just glad to see that you're doing well. You've really improved since your rescue" he said.
Nagi sat back, letting him go and looked at him. "I owe it to the royal family for being so helpful and supportive. Although, if you hadn't come to Prophet Castle when you did, I would be dead. I don't know how to repay you for not only saving my life, but rescuing me and showing me here" she said.
Tsuki smiled a bit and shook his head. "You don't need to repay me. Once I found out that you were the captive, I had to rescue you from that hell. As a royal knight and your childhood friend, failure wasn't an option" he said.
Nagi tilted her head and went into thought for a moment. Now that, they could finally talk without having to worry about anything that could get in the way, she wanted to know something that she's been thinking about since Prophet Castle. "Hey Tsu...I want to ask you something. When we were kids, you told me you hated conflict. That would would never take part in any forms of conflict. Yet, here you are...a royal knight who is centered all around conflict. What changed?" she asked, looking at him.
Tsuki wasn't sure how to answer her. There was a lot that happened since the destruction of Tomoha. She was right, however. He hated fighting as a kid. He was a hardcore pacifist. He wouldn't even pick up a wooden sword to spar with back then. "A lot of things have happened since then. When I came to, I woke up in a pile of burnt wood and debris. When I emerged, everyone was either dead or gone. My immediate concerns were the safeties of you and my family since I was separated at the time. I eventually found the bodies of my parents who were stabbed and shot multiple times. You and my sister were the only ones that I couldn't find" he said, revealing that there could be another survivor somewhere.
Nagi was surprised when he told her about his family. Tsuki's parents were both retired generals who once served the previous rulers of Eresseas. She had been thinking that they were alive considering that they were one well known for their strength. Not only that, but she also gained a sense of hope when he told her that his sister was not among those who were found dead in Tomoha. His sister was also one of her childhood friends so she was happy to know that she could still be alive. "I'm so sorry about your parents. I know what it feels like to lose them. Have you found any clues on Elize's whereabouts?" she asked.
Tsuki shook his head. "No. I hoped that she would be with you in Prophet Castle but she wasn't" he said. His sister, who was named Elize, was someone he was extremely protective of. As a child, she had a weak body who got sick often.
Nagi was a bit saddened that he hasn't found a trace of his sister, but the thought of her possible being alive still gives her hope. If he found her, then he will find his sister. "What happened after you couldn't find us?" she asked.
Tsuki crossed his arms and gathered his thoughts together. "After I couldn't find you guys, I decided to leave the ruined remains of Tomoha. There was nothing left for me there at that point. I didn't know where to go or what to do with myself. I had no family to turn to and my friends were either missing or dead. I arrived in Eresseas thanks to an adventurer passing by near the outskirts of Tomoha. Having no money, I was forced to live on the streets for quite some time which was about six months. At the time, there was a lot of crime going on in the city so I had to learn how to fight and defend myself. Everything I've learned regarding combat and self-defense was self-taught. Once I was able to do that, I had already adjusted to street life. I even had to steal some food to sustain myself. It was a very difficult time for me" he said.
Nagi was surprised that a once peaceful, innocent boy could have such a drastic and sudden life change. "Then, you eventually became a knight and now serve as one of the Royal Eight. When did that happen?" she asked.
Tsuki laid back on the bed, staring up at her. "One day, when I was out in the city wandering around, I had a run-in with the Princess, who had ran off from her personal guard. Since we're both the same age, we were ten years old at the time. Surprisingly, she wasn't afraid of me even though I looked like a criminal myself. After that meeting, she frequently ran off from her personal guard just to be with me. We quickly became friends. It's thanks to her that I started to change into the person I am now. Then, when we were hanging out one day, we were jumped by a group of thugs who wanted to kidnap her and use her for ransom against the royal family. It was my first real fight since I learned self-defense. I managed to fight them off but then her personal guard showed up along with Taichi himself. The thought I was going to harm her and were about to apprehend me but she stepped in and explained everything. After an extensive talk, they eventually came to terms that I meant her no harm and that I had potential to become a knight considering that I fought off a group of experienced fighters by myself while keeping the Princess safe from harm. Upon her request, they provided me with shelter and food. They did more for me than anyone else since the incident of Tomoha. So, as a way of expressing my gratitude, I enrolled into the knights at the age of fifteen and quickly rose through the ranks and became part of the Royal Eight at the age of seventeen" he said. There was a lot more that occurred during that period of time but telling the entire story would take quite a while. Since he spent the entire day giving the royal family his report, he didn't want to tell the whole story yet.
They continued to talk and catch up since they haven't seen each other and had a real, private talk with just the two of them in so long. They talked to each over for a good two hours until they were both summoned back to the audience chamber. When they arrived, Tsuki's companions were waiting in the audience chamber with a familiar face. Elle, the Shadow Knight, was waiting with them along with the others.
Tsuki didn't expect to see Elle here. Then again, she still remains a mystery to him since he doesn't know much about her other than the fact that she was a Guardian of the Ancients. "Elle? What brings you here?" he asked, walking up to his companions with Nagi.
Emma tilted her head in confusion. She wasn't aware that they knew each other already. "Oh? I wasn't aware that you guys were on a first name basis" she said.
Of course she didn't know. Tsuki had left out the details of everything regarding the Ancients. He felt that talking about the Ancients right now would cause problems so it wasn't the right time to bring it up. He simply nodded at them. "She helped us while on my mission. I didn't think she'd show up here though" he said.
Nagi approached Elle and examined her closely. Something about her was very familiar about her. She took several moments to study her face carefully. She then realized who she was. "Hey, wait a minute. Aren't you---" she said.
Elle immediately recognized Nagi. Before she could finish her sentence, Elle put her finger up to her lips. "Another time. Right now, there's something that you should all be aware of" she said. She knew what Nagi was about to say but she silenced her before she could say it for some reason.
Emma nodded. "Elle is one of our top fighters and scouts. Her ties with us are kept to royal affairs for various reasons that we can't explain. In fact, she came to us around the time you did, Tsuki" she said. She then looked at Elle and nodded. "Go ahead, Elle. What do you have to report?" she asked.
As Elle started to tell everyone what she recently learned, a person in familiar armor shrouded in a black cloak was in the middle of the forests on the outskirts of the city. The shrouded figure was standing in front of a mossy stone door that was embedded in the side of a small mountain. There was a faint chanting coming from the shrouded person. Moments later, a dark, black mist seeped out from the stone cracks and surrounded the man. Moments after the mist appeared and spread out, mysterious black creatures with the shape of human beings began rising from the mist itself. Soon, countless numbers of these creatures all surrounded the shrouded figure. After the creatures surrounded the shrouded figure, the person started to laugh maniacally which echoed through the night.
To be continued...
- by xXGhostStalker |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/28/2015 |
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- Title: Tales of Xalthia - Chapter 21
- Artist: xXGhostStalker
- Description: Welcome to Act 2, Chapter 21! In this chapter, Tsuki finally finishes his report of his journey to the royal family. Given a period of rest by the royal family, he's finally able to spend some time with one of his very old friends, learning more about Tsuki's past in the process. However, in the shadows, something is lurking around. What could it be? Read on to find out!
- Date: 01/28/2015
- Tags: tales xalthia chapter
- Report Post
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