The Beauty of Waves
My eyes are the ocean,
My soul the sea.
My heart in motion,
My waves to be.
Leading sailors in my gentle grip
To unknown lands
Letting my water rip
Holding them in my hands
Along the way.
The Beauty of Waves.
The night was cold and crisp as the stars shimmered from above. The inky waves gently padded the ship as men hurried to get cargo on. The captain brushed his hand through his thick, black, curly hair, watching the sky.
The time to leave was now. With a swift wave of his hand, his crew boarded the boat. The men readied the sails and they began to slowly crawl away from the deck, picking up speed with every second. He felt a ping in his chest as he watch the land sink into the horizon. That was the land he was born on, raised on, his home. He gently reaches up to the purple cloth covering his right eye and let the painful memory roll in his mind.
'No,' he thought, as the boat made steady paste, he shall not return or feel guilty. He has to set anew and make amends. This land was now forbidden to him until he was a new man. And with that in mind, he turned around, and looked forward to a new adventure and a road of redemption.
'Faster' She thought, as she ran through the trees. The sound of hounds and men yelling echos through the forest. 'Leave me alone!' She screamed in her mind as she came upon a giant broken tree with moss fuzz and little plants growing on it. She jumped over the fallen tree and landed awkwardly on her ankle. Sharp pain snaked up her leg as she yelped and crumble to the ground.
The men quickly came upon her as the dogs surrounded her, trying to snap at her limbs. She hissed and bared her teeth. The four men held the dogs as the other one bounded her hands behind her back and tied a rope around her neck.
"You'll pay for all of your thieving, runt." He growled in her ear, his rotted breath clogging her nostrils.
They started to drag her through the forest, the whole way she came, and into the town. The streets seemed dead in the setting sun as she looked with her one good eye. The only sign of life was through the warm glow pouring from the windows of the houses as mothers and fathers tucked in their children and tell them tales of great heroes and their adventures. She ducked her head and kept limping with the pain in her ankle, which was growing stronger with every footstep. The villagers still out, watched her as she limped, eyes of hatred and only hatred bore into her. She gave a little shiver.
She barely noticed where they had led her until it was too late. The men threw her in a cold, rusty old cage and locked her in, still bounded.
"You'll get it now." He grumbled.
He struck her with a long stick, hitting her left, cat ear. Pain shot through her as she pulled back in alarm. She gave a little whimper as she drew her legs up to her chest, resting her head awkwardly on her knees, her hands still bounded behind her and listened to the murmurs of the crowd that had started to surround the cage.
He walked down the brightly colored, lit hallway, not caring for the glittering view that they offered. Anger being what was leading him onward. His golden blond hair tickled his neck. His cat ears bent in frustration as his silver and gold richly designed tunic flowed behind him with grace. He clenched and unclenched his hands as he got closer to his father's, the king, studies.
He opens the door, walks in, and just as quickly closed it. His father looks up from his scrolls.
"Is something wrong, my son?" His father said with concern.
He made his way to the front of his father's desk. Scrolls littered the top of the father's desk as golden documents cluttered the shelves. The father's face was lined with wrinkles, betraying his old age. The robe the father was wearing was covered with crinkles as if he's been scrunching the fine fabric. Gray hair was wisp around his head. The father slowly brushed his fingers through his beard.
"How could you?" The son said, not hiding his anger. "How dare you put this-this CURSE on me?"
The father looked up as though not realizing what his son had said. When he finally had, he stood up with such force that his chair fell to the ground.
"Curse? I did not do such a thing. More or likely, i blessed you with such grace and power." He said, his voice growing louder with every word. He slammed his fist on the table, creating a loud thump. "You were born for this, Keruto Therama Esca-"
"SHUT UP!" Yelled the son. "Don't EVER say that name again!" He walked to the door and turned around to face his father, anger surging even more through him. "I am no longer your puppet." And with that, he slammed the door shut as his father opened his mouth.
"Get a move on!" His grandmother yelled up the stairs. "Are you going to make her wait any longer?"
"I'm coming, grandmother...uh...stall her! Please?" He yells back, buttoning the last few buttons on his shirt.
He quickly grabbed his glasses. A study date in the library with the most beautifulest girl in the school, he had to look good. He looked in the mirror. His light brown hair fell in thick straight wisps around his neck and his pale complexion gave him a look of a kid in dire need of some sun. His red glasses framed his face and brown eyes perfectly. His clothes made him look a little less like what people think he is, a nerd.
After the quick check-up, he practically ran down the stairs. He kissed his grandmother goodbye, and headed out the door.
The day was hot as the sun shone from the middle of the sky. He put his hand over his eyes, shielding the sun's harsh rays and started walking.
"Hey, Eric!" She said, falling into steps beside him. He blushes crimson red.
"Hey, Keta." He managed to say.
"I can't wait for the tournament next week." She said with glee. He took a side-way glimpse of her. Her long dark dirty blond hair complimented her tan complexion. Her blue eyes stared at him as she waited for a response, her hands clutching her bag.
"I can't see why, though, because you're not going to win against me." He said, looking ahead and shrugging.
"I am too!" She said, pushing him. "Just wait and see. I'll beat you into a pulp!" She laughed. "Come on, Eric"
She said, now running.
A smile creeped upon his face as he watched her. Than he started running after her.
A few weeks had past since he has left his home and land. They were now on a small island, getting more supplies. He and three of his men walked through the small, crowded town, buying some necessities and good trade items. The air had a strong scent of meat and bread with a sour hint of sweat and body odor. He pulled his dark red cloak further up his face, covering his face in darkness. He was the only one out of his three men wearing a cloak.
They went to the edge of the town. As they walked, one of his men pointed to the left of them. He looked in that direction and saw a young girl inside a small rusty cage tied up. People surrounded the cage, yelling, whooping, and screaming with delight as the girl in the cage just put her head on her knees.
They walked inside the crowd and watched.
"What's going on here?" He asked the guy in the dirty ragged clothes next to him, lowering his head but still keeping an eye on the girl.
He noticed she has two tails, which she had around her waist as people started yelling louder. Her clothes looked to be made of random rags put together, her feet bare and cut. Her hands seemed tied behind her which explained the awkward pose. She slowly looked up, her crimson purple hair cascading down her dirty cheeks, her one purple eye and one gray eye falling upon him.
"It's the day that we can finally get rid of that street urchin, stealing all of our foods and goods." He hooted.
One of the captain's men grabbed his shoulder and tried to steer him away from the sight. He slowly turned around and walked a few paces forward, but what kind of a man looking for redemption would he be if he just turned his back?
"Hold my satchel, will you?" He said, and quickly handed the bag over to one of his startled men.
He turned around, pulling out his wooden, gold engraved staff. He walked up to the guy he had been talking to, and tripped him off his feet. The man fell down to the ground hard, stunned.
He made his way to the cage and bent over the lock. People started shouting with protest. His three men blocked them off from getting any closer. After he picked the lock and opened the cage, he turned around to face the people.
"This girl is mine now. If you have any complaints about that, you can take it up with my men. I'm sure they will be pleased to hear what you have to say after their long, hard journey here." And with that, the three men pulled out their sharp weapons and provoked the towns people.
"Just say when, Devon." Said one of his men, the one known as Griff.
Griff's greasy gray hair fell in his face as he smiled his crooked smile. Devon smiled back at him and turned back towards the girl, holding out his hand, giving a friendly smile. She looked up at him, rubbing her ankle with her tails. He looked at her ankle and noticed that it had an unhealthy color and was twice its size.
"I see that none of you have given her proper care of her ankle." He sneered turning towards the townspeople.
"W-what?" Stammered one of the older men.
"We have to go now, Devon." said one of his men. Devon nodded as he turned back to the girl, he cut the rope against her hands.
They all stared baffled as they watched Devon pick up the girl and start walking back to the docks. His three men followed after, making sure that no one follows.
She sat in the cage and watched as the crowd grew bigger, people screaming, all enjoying her upcoming death. She set her head on her knees, using her tails as balance and felt the numb throbbing of her ankle and ear. Her stomach growls as the air grew thicker with the scent of meat coming from the butcher shop not far from where she sat. Her arms felt numb being tied up for so long and she thought she had rope burn.
She looked up at the crowd one more time and noticed four figures staring at her whom she never seen before. One specifically was dressed in a velvet red cloak.
'More to laugh and enjoy my death.' she thought grimly, not taking her eyes off of them. She saw that they wasn't acting like the rest of them.
'They're so strange, must be travelers' she thought, staring at the figure in the cloak talking to the baker man in rags. She wasn't able to see his whole face but his lips and chin.
'He looks strange, but cute.' she thought, and gave a very small inaudible chuckle, thinking such a thought at a time like this's as beyond her.
The cloaked figure turned away and started to walk in the opposite direction. She was instantly filled with sorrow. She wanted to put her hands to her face and try to block out all of the sounds and sights, but could not so she looked down. She bend her ears downward to block out sound. When she finally looked up again, the hooded stranger was back and opening the cage door.
She watched with awe as he turned around and stated that she was his now. People started to protest as he reached out his hand towards her with a gentle smile. The throbbing in her ankle returned and she started rubbing it with her battered tails, staring at him. Her heart almost burst with unknown feelings as he nodded. She watched as he turned back towards the crowd.
"I see that none of you have given her proper care of her ankle." She heard him say.
"We have to go now, Devon." Said one of the three men that she saw came with him.
The man named Devon had cut the rope holding her hands and scooped her up in his strong, lean arms and started to carry her to the dock. She saw the crowd stare with bafflement.
'Devon's his name....he saved me....' She said to herself, yawning. She laid her head on his chest and fell into a deep sleep for the first time in weeks.
Children laughed and danced as he played his flute. He tapped his feet in time with the music, flicking his tail. They bounced around and he played faster. They giggled and screamed as they formed a circle around him and the crate he was sitting on.
It has only been a few days since he left his realm. He closed his eyes and thought about what his father was doing right now. Yes, he can see is clearly, his father at his desk, working out an explanation to why their prince is not able to attend the big dinner with the other kingdom. Ever since he left, he changed his identity, he was no longer Keruto the prince, now he is Echo, the traveler. He picked the name Echo because that was his great great grandfather's name, Echo Utanio, the beloved king.
He stopped playing. The children stopped dancing and started to protest.
"Now, now, children. It's time that you wonder off home now." He smiled.
They protested for a little before doing as he said.
He stretched and yawned, drinking in the view. Houses clutter together like a colorful sea of bright colors. People walked to and fro, entering and leaving houses, buying goods and selling goods from little shacks that stand near the center of the bricked street. Horses and carriages clattered past as people walked and talked. The air had a strong cinnamon smell. The sky was a bright blue with the sun peeking out through the few clouds.
He rubbed his long nailed hand on his stomach and got up. It's been a few hours since he last ate and his stomach was growling with the promise of being filled. He started walking when his vision turned black.
He opened his eyes to see that everything seemed bigger than before. A deep purring rises from his throat as he flicked his tail. He has turned into a cat. Ever since he left the kingdom, he hasn't been able to control his transformation, not that he's complaining. He finds it better to get food this way. Who could resist a big fluffy blond colored cat with big eyes? He usually turns back to normal within a couple of days or weeks.
He started weaving his way through the crowd, his paws making a pat pat sound on the bricks, his seven earrings glittering against the sun. He came upon four men with the middle one in a velvet red cloak buying meat from the butcher shop. Purring even louder, he brushed up against the cloaked figure, letting out a high pitched meow.
The stranger looked down at him and smiled. He tore off a piece of meat and handed it to him. He quickly snatches it and gulps it down without even chewing. The stranger just laughs at the purring satisfied cat and started to leave with his three companions.
Echo just sat there, licking his paw, debating what to do next. Boredom overwhelmed him and he decided to follow the stranger. He weaved his way nimbly through the crowd, looking for him. He spotted him at the dock, boarding a ship.
The ship was a beautiful brown color with a very detailed dragon with it's mouth open occupying the front part of the ship. On the side in curly gold bold letters was the name Ocean Eyes.
"That must be the ship's name." He mumbled to himself.
He bounced on the ship just as they pulled the plank up. He sneaked to the bottom of the ship and hid between two large crates. There, he curled up in a pile of rope and closed his eyes.
The library was silent with stale moldiness hanging in the air. He held the open science book in front of him, but the words on the page aren't getting his full attention. He peeked over the book to look at Keta. She was bent down, dirty blond hair cascading around her. She was copying notes from the piles of history books that cluttered around her. 'I can just die happy right now' he thought, watching her pencil move with fluent motions. A blush crept up his neck. He quickly turned back to the book he was reading. 'Today's the day' he blushed, a look of determination on his face, 'today's the day that I'm finally going to ask Keta out.' With that thought, he blushed even more.
"Eric." He almost dropped his book. Startled, he looked up at her to see that she was staring at him.
"I think we should take a break. Wanna go to the dock?" She asked, partly getting up and closing her book and notebook.
'Yes,' he thought, 'the best place to do so.'
"Sure." He tried to say casually, pushing his glasses up again and closing his book.
They gathered their items and headed out the doors.
Five minutes later they were at the docks. Gentle waves lapped the base of the wooden stands as seagulls soared in the setting sun, crying out. Salt filled his nostrils as they walked farther down the dock. Sea spray matted down his hair and clothes.
He leaned against the railing and watched the waves. He looked over at Keta and saw that she was doing the same thing. He played with his watch, looking for the right words.
"How about we come back here later this week? Say, Friday?" She asked, looking over at him.
Disappointment at not asking what he was suppose to and excitement at the thought of another day with Keta filled his chest as he tried to act casual and normal.
"Sure." He mustered, smiling at her. 'Another date.' he thought. They grabbed their bags and left.
Eric walked her home. They said goodbye as she entered her home, closing the door behind her. She noticed that Eric has been acting pretty strange lately. He loses his words more often and always looked away from her when she looks up at him
She pondered these thoughts as she got dressed in her pajamas. The house was quiet as she got herself a milk jug, a spoon, and the peanut butter jar. Her parents were gone again. Probably another formal party they say is for their "business"
She plucked herself down on the big lofty couch and opened the peanut butter. She stuck the spoon in and scooped out a pile of peanut butter and shoved it in her mouth. Picking up the remote she turns on the T.V., hoping something good would be on at this time. She took off the cap on the milk jug and took a swig, washing down the peanut butter that was stuck to the roof of her mouth. She continues to flip through the channels.
American Teenager came on and she crosses her legs, getting another spoonful of peanut butter. After two hours of endless television, she flicked the T.V. off and put the items away. She clambered up the stairs and into her bedroom.
She turned on the room light and was greeted with pictures of random bands and pictures of her and varies people on her walls. Stuffed animals littered her floor, barely revealing the green fluffy rug underneath. She made her way to her lamp and turned it on, turning off her bedroom light after. Her room was plain with only one huge giant dresser by her closet and one bedside dresser. Her walls were white and she had a regular blue bed with various colors of pillows and blankets on top. She got cozy underneath her covers and stared at the pictures on her bedside dresser. One was of her parents and the other was of her and Eric at her sixteenth birthday, laughing. The digital clock next to the pictures read eleven P.M.
She hesitated at the thought of turning off the lamp. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of the house creaking, the branches from the big oak tree by her room rustling against her window, and the night bugs calling to one another.
After reassuring herself, she opened her eyes again and turned off the lamp. Darkness engulfed her room and she closed her eyes against it all.
- by Nightingale The Nightmare |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/14/2014 |
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- Title: Ocean Eyes, only part of it
- Artist: Nightingale The Nightmare
- Description: It's something my sister and I wrote, so I hope you enjoy ^u^ comments are good
- Date: 12/14/2014
- Tags: ocean eyes
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