Vanessa and Loki were thrown onto the ground in front of the man named Odin, "I tire of seeing your face, Loki", his voice echoed through out the room, "and it pleases me to see yours", Loki responds back as he got to his feet, "and you dare bring a mortal child here?! To what plan do you have up your sleeve Loki?", Vanessa stands up as well, "I have yet to think of a plan... yet, but I assure you my intentions are pure", he smiled, all of a sudden the large doors open abruptly, it was Thor.
"LOKI!!", he yelled as he approached Loki, "ah~ dear brother", but Thor wasn't in the mood, he took Loki by the collar and lifts him up about two feet off of the ground, although she had met Loki a few days ago she didn't like the sight of someone even Thor doing this, "leave him alone!!", everyone had their eyes on her know, even Loki who seemed the most surprised, "or what?", Thor says, "get me out of these restraints and I'll show you what", Thor stared at her before throwing Loki onto the ground, "you have no idea who you're talking to", he steps in front of her and Vanessa stands her ground, "you don't scare me", but before Thor could speak or do anything Odin yells, "ENOUGH!", Odin looks over at Vanessa and points his staff at her, "mortal, as punishment for bringing this traitor back to Asgard you will spend three years in Asgard, you will forget what you've learned back on Midgard and learn our ways on Asgard", Vanessa shook her head, "this can't be happening... this can't be happening", but either way going back to Earth wouldn't be such a good idea, "as for you Loki", he sighs, "I will think of something when the time comes, until then, take the girl and get out of my sight", Vanessa closed her eyes and opened them, the deed was done.
- - - - -
She sits in the triangular tub filled with semi hot water that reached her chin but a marble seat protruding from the wall of the tub makes it to where she can wash with out struggling. Bottles of different colored liquid lined near the tub, "what is this stuff?", one even had a bird foot in it, she had to remember though, this was Asgard, not Midgard...
"You're training will begin on another day, as for now you will be going with Sif", he turns around to head back into his castle but she stops him, "hey!", Loki turns around, "what is it now?", Vanessa placed her hands on her hips and smiled genuinely, "thanks, for taking me in for a while", a look of confusion had written itself all over Loki's face, "you should get going", was all he said before entering the castle, and she could have sworn the smallest of smiles was placed on his face, but it could have just been her. It took her a while to walk down the path leading to Loki's castle and when she did she found herself running until she made it towards a field with many of the Asgardian citizens there. Vanessa fights her way through the crowed until she makes it to the opening where Sif and a few teenaged girls and boys stood, Sif spots Vanessa and gestures her to come over and as she did Sif quickly takes her by surprise by grabbing her arm and flipping her with ease, "uhg!", Vanessa hit the ground with a thud, "you're late", Sif says before walking away, the new comers like herself stared at her and shook their heads, "you might as well give up, this is no place for a mortal", one girl scoffs before walking away with her friends, Vanessa gets up slowly and dusts herself off that's when Afli and Baldr come up to her, "the girl's right", Baldr says, "quit while you still have the chance", Baldr walks off leaving Afli alone with her, "if you want to say something, go for it", he shook his head, "my names Afli, the irritated one over there is Baldr", now that she got a good look at Afli she noticed that he was and elf, "my names Vanessa...", his eyes widen slightly, "you're the one who set Loki free?", Vanessa crossed her arms, "rumor spreads quickly around here", she passes him by, "wait! I meant no disrespect", he caught up with her, "it's just, I never thought it would be someone like you", Baldr stops and calls for Afli, "my brothers calling, see you around", Vanessa watched Afli go off, his long pure white hair dancing behind him as he ran over towards Baldr, "yeah..."
Night came quickly as the group of eighteen gathered around the fire telling stories, some of which were obviously lies, "I'm curious to what your story is", Cyll says, everyone has all eyes on Vanessa, "I don't have a story," she throws a stick into the flames, "what about the one where you set Loki free in Asgard?", Cyll says but Vanessa kept looking at the fire, "how about this, I'll tell you all what really happened if I lose in a fight with Cyll, how ever If I win I tell you nothing", Sif crossed her arms, "Cyll do you except this challenge?", Sif asked her, Cyll stands up and slams her fist into the palm of her hand, "yes", Vanessa stands up Cyll was at least four inches taller than her but height didn't matter, "Alif" Sif calls for him, "set up the barrier over there", Alif stands up quickly, "as you wish", he walks over towards the area she instructed him to place the barrier while Vanessa and Cyll follow him along with everyone else. "I'm going to make sure you never walk again", Cyll says as they enter the barrier that Alif created. Sif stands near the barrier in order to give out the rules, "this is your first battle so place your skills on the table and show me why I've picked you for this", Alif utters a few words and flames appear in certain areas, giving the place enough light to where everyone could see the battle, "begin!"
Cyll took out her sword and Vanessa unsheathed her katana, the two analyzed each other until Cyll grew tired of waiting and went in for the kill. She was quick and to make things even more complicated she was strong too, but not enough to over power her. Their weapons make contact multiple times, causing sparks to fly, Cyll jumps back but Vanessa goes in for an attack, she gets one good slice on Cylls thigh, yet Cyll gets one on Vanessa's chest... yet this one was deep, "u-uhg...", Vanessa took a deep breath, sucking up the pain before turning around, Cyll had already charged at her and swung her sword, Vanessa ducks and blocked her on coming attacks but got nicked on the right side of her cheek and arm, "Sif said place all our skills on the table, yet I see none of yours!", Cyll kicks Vanessa in the abdomen, "a-ahh!", she stumbles back, clutching her stomach in pain, "nhg...uh...", she looks up to see Cyll bringing her sword down, Vanessa lifts up her arm and concentrated until it hurt, she heard a 'CLANG' and her eyes open, "huh?", was all Cyll could say but she shook her head, "this means nothing!", she continued to bash the shield until Vanessa couldn't stand it anymore, the magical shield vanishes but as it does Vanessa used the flat of her katana and viciously slapped it across Cylls face continuously until the skin on her face began to split open, "how does it feel to get slapped around like a b!tch?!", Vanessa took this opportunity and slammed her fist into Cylls abdomen then backed off. The two girls stare at each other, both with equally fierce eyes, until they both come at each other, blades clashing, that's when Cylls swords blade just gave and a piece snapped off, Cyll was going to back up but Vanessa took her by the collar, "get over here!", Vanessa leaps off of the ground and sent all her weight into a single punch, Cyll fell back, she was dazed, "uuh~", the barrier vanishes once Cyll passed out, Cylls friends gather around her and help her up, Alif came over towards Vanessa, "you were gr- -?!! Vanessa??", Alif caught her as her body went limp, "she isn't accustomed to using magic yet she pushed herself", Sif says, "Alif how good is your healing?", Sif asked him, "pretty good", Sif nods her head, "I leave her in you and Baldr's hands", she grins before turning around and rallying everyone up, "what about Cyll?", Alif asked, "don't worry she'll be fine", Alif took Vanessa's arm and placed it around his neck, he looks over at Baldr who only turned his head, "seems as though Sif has made us a team", Alif says before heading back to the camp fire with Vanessa, "yeah... a team", was all Baldr said.
- by Robotic SaekoBusujima |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/14/2013 |
- Skip

- Title: Ultimate Age - Reboot
- Artist: Robotic SaekoBusujima
Ultimate Age - Reboot Chp. 1
Re-educate - Date: 10/14/2013
- Tags: ultimate
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