Why is it when someone you know dies you cry and when they are alive you dont i never know how it feels too lose someone so close till that day happen. It was a cloudy day and it was pouring rain and i meet my best friend and my other friend. their names are Alice, Maddie and me Fall. Alice: hi Fall what you been up to Fall: nothing much you Alice:nope Maddie: lets go to school before we are late ok Both of us: ok!!!. i never this was the last day we will ever hang out again. Maddie: hey look at that back it is pretty Alice: your right lets go get it Fall can you stay there for a minute me: ok ill wait here. 10 min later BAMMMMMMMMMMM was that an earth quack i ran as fast as i can to find my friend but i never found them till i saw fire and i rush over there and i saw their burnet cloths and i just lost and i started to cry my eyes out and i fainted. when i hade to wake up i hade to go to their funneal and i never cryed their but i wanted to so much but u cant cause i never cryed in front of people cause i alwas cry be my self in the bathroom. so when we got home i went to the bathroom and there was a knife i though about it was a min but i never picked it up till a year later when i got back on my feet my other friend died from a shot to the head and i lost it and when i got home i grabbed that knife i put it to my neck and waited a min then i saw my friends saying no dont do it plz dont do it. so i wait to do it and i droped the knife and i cryed so long on the floor and my mom came home heard me and ran up here and she saw the knife and ask me did i use it and i said no but why was all my friends dying in front of me it not fair. my mom huged me so close i calm down but i was stil crying but i know if i died then my family and my parents will be sad and just like me so i am glad i never use that knife but i wish my friend where still here but i have new friends but ill never foreget my besties ever and i wish they are happy in heaven.
lose heart
this happen to me before and i hope you like it i was crying through out it cause i was remembering my besties plus the bammmmm part is a bomb going off to let yall know well hope you guys commment on it cause nobody comments on mine but it is ok
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